Hukum meets her

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Shivanya's POV :-

"Hukum ordered to bring her to him" is what I heard. I was pretty sure it was about me and I was very scared.

As I heard some footsteps approaching the door, I stepped backwards and sat on the couch hurriedly.
The footsteps stopped near the door but the door did not open. I was shivering with fear and after 2 minutes, the door knob opened and Meena came in. She asked me to come with her.

I was already very tired and scared that without asking any questions I just stood up and went with her.

She took me in down the hall where it was quite dark and only a dim light came somewhere from the ceiling.

As I reached the end of the stairs, my feet stopped moving forward as I saw a group of men standing in a semi-circular manner in the middle of the hall.

As I reached the end of the stairs, my feet stopped moving forward as I saw a group of men standing in a semi-circular manner in the middle of the hall

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Meena also came to a halt as I stopped. The hall went into an utmost silence which was abruptly broken by a manly voice from a man standing in the middle of the group of men and he seemed to be instructing others "Why ain't she here yet?". Maybe they didn't notice me because the hall was really large and I was standing quite far, moreover all of them had their back facing the stairs, they might have assumed me to come from the other side of the hall as it was me who persuaded Meena to use the stairs on the left side (I don't know but I kinda feel left to be safer, it's just my thingy).

The other men looked quite similar to each other in attire i.e they wore a large black coloured cloak that covered them from the head to the toe. It seemed as if they had a veil on their face and for once I imagined if they weren't men but group of women instead in that attire.

The middle man a slightly different and more prominent looking cloak which made me assume him to be the 'Hukum' they mentioned.

"She has arrived". This sound echoed in the hall as an owl announced it flying above my head, through the hall and went on to take its place on the shoulder of the middle man.

Okay, now I am scared, this shit feels quite real and scary. Would y'all think me crazy if I tell you I was as excited as I was scared? I wanted to go back and tell about this adventurous thingy to my boss and I was pretty confident they might consider me for a full time role if they knew such a mysterious group existed.

All of them turned towards me and I couldn't see their faces! Though they had veil on, still it kinda felt like there was immense darkness beneath the veil.

I held Meena's hand and a gulp crossed my throat. "What are they all upto?" my mind screamed. Was I really doomed?

One of the man standing in the corner of the semicircle moved and brought a big chair and kept it near me, to my surprise he bowed and went back to his position.

The man with the owl stepped forward and in a second came just 5 inches away from me. I got startled.

He bent a little and offered his hand to me as if he was asking me for a dance (asking me? As if I had another choice😒)

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