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Jiya's Pov continued :-

A golden sparkle emerged out of his hand while he focussed on my injury and it waved in the air according to the direction of his hand. It seemed as if I had been looking at a magic show. He pointed his finger to a bruise and the sparkle followed his instruction and my bruise disappeared in a second😳.

If amusement had a face, it would exactly look like me right now. Was I dreaming or what?

"It shouldn't hurt anymore?" He spoke.

I was too stunned to utter any word.
"Hmm?" he spoke again.
"How?" is all I could speak.

He tapped his index finger on my forehead and with a little laugh spoke "silly" and left.
I saw his handsome figure running out of my sight while I was still figuring out the moment.

I came inside the house and saw him chopping some apples near the dining table.
I said "Tell me, how did you do it?"

He ignored my words and continued cutting the apples. I spoke again, "Come on! Tell me."

Ignored again.
Damn! This man got some guts huh! Does he even know who is he ignoring? I have rejected 10+ guys within a week at my intern and still counting and he dare ignores me!! Huh!!! I thought.

Just then he came to me and with a sudden swift stuffed an apple slice into my mouth, "Give some energy to this little brain of yours, baby girl" he winked and went to his room after handing over the plate containing chopped apples.

I almost choked on the apple in my mouth but somehow managed to successfully swallow it down my throat.

I pouted and muttered to myself, " Don't they have any  thing to eat other than fruits", I shrugged and headed back to my room and thought about taking a shower, but I just had one pair of clothes that I was wearing, I was literally wearing a lavender coloured silk night suit, I and Shanaya bought same but different coloured night suits and wore them on my birthday night, I pouted.

Shanaya's Pov :-

I was really sad because of what happened but I really couldn't blame Veer after all I am a mere stranger to him.
"Even if he doesn't behave nicely to me, it doesn't change the fact that I owe him much. I guess I should try mending the incident, Ok! so Shanaya, oops, Not Shanaya, remember you are Shivanya!
Okay so Shivanya now you 'll go and start a normal conversation with him so that it doesn't get much awkward the next time you see him, okay you can do it!" I thought.

I didn't find him in the lobby or kitchen so I went towards his room. The door was shut and when I checked its knob, the door opened, it wasn't locked.
I was quite shivering but I gathered up my courage, I had always been a very confident girl all my life but when it used to come about mending up the things or arguements, I am not very good at it.

I looked around and he was standing facing towards the window, with his back towards me.

He had worn a black hoodie with hood covering his head. I went towards him and here goes my attempt:-

"Umm Hi, Actually I wanted to ask if your mom has gone somewhere?"

No reply.
I continued....
"If she is out, I can help you with the house chores."

Again No reply...
I still hadn't given up, I couldn't see his reaction as I still could look only at his back so I concluded he might really be angry about the previous conversation.

"Chli jao Yaha se" he spoke with a very deep voice.
(Go away from here)

I continued... "Are you ok? I know you are angry and I completely understand it after all I am a mere stranger."
He didn't speak so I started a casual conversation.

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