!Chapter Two!

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Adrien's alarm would ring only twice before he was up, and it was shut off. Even with it being the last Saturday of summer, he always had something scheduled for him by his father. As if on cue Nathalie was knocking on Adrien's door with his clothing for the shoot, he had planned in less than an hour.

Adrien answered the door, hair still damp with a towel wrapped around his waist and took the clothes from his father's assistant with a smile. The clothing was a part of his father's new street wear collection which he had little faith in. He hated that style and showed little passion in the designs, but it was what was selling.

Ella on the other hand was still in a deep sleep by the time her brother left the house, she wouldn't be busy till midday and wasn't shooting a movie or television show at the time. Though she had an audition later in the upcoming month and is waiting for "Malibu Nights" to be greenlit for a third season.

Alarms weren't needed when she had Nathalie at her door each morning. Unlike when she went to Adrien, Nathalie wanted to converse with Ella rather than just feeding her with the things she needed for the day. Most recently Ella continuously would bring up her thoughts on joining a public school, to be exact the one her childhood friend Chloe attends, along her with other friend Lila.

Nathalie wanted to create that dream of Ella's a reality but it wasn't her choice but Gabriel. It was never his choice in the beginning to homeschool the kids but Emilie's. Nathalie would ask him everyday though still after a month his cold personality hasn't shook since Emilie's death but gotten worse with each passing hour. Though he is leaning towards sending them to public school because he is becoming to like the fact of being home alone more, it reflects on the twins' schedules  becoming increasingly busier.

They talked for a while and Nathalie explained her excitement for Ella over breakfast. The two could normally have this meal with Adrien as well but slowly he has stopped coming, even on days he wasn't busy. It has been hard on Ella as her family is starting to slowly move apart from each other, it seems to only get worse when she tries to pull everyone together. Like when the three of them all had a dinner together ending in an argument to the two just yelling at her in a pity rage.

After that night it was as if something switched inside of Gabriel, it hadn't been noticeable at first but he started giving up on hiding. Showing his new found emotions last night when he bursted into his room and started yelling at her, for her mother's death with no clear reason, he just wanted to yell. It scared Ella the most when he threw a vase across the room. It shattered far away from her, so no broken clay pieces cut her but she never knew her father was this aggressive. He never apologized after but just left, leaving Ella in shock.

She never told anyone about it, she didn't need to. It wasn't about them it was about her and her father and she didn't want to worry Adrien anymore than he already was. She could tell he was stressed recently, whether it be the random times he would pause pressing on his chest or continuing to eat less frequently, even if his diet called for something different. Ella tried bringing it up to him he would just brush it off so she just ended up stopping all together.

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