Chapter Twenty-One

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While Ella spends time practicing her routine and starts the process of mastering a back-full on the beam, Adrien is ending his fencing practice though he still has to wait for his ride. Instead of spending this time alone, Kagami sits with Adrien on the bench he currently resides on, scrolling through his phone. She draws in a small breath and builds up her confidence.

"Hey, Adrien?" Kagami calls his attention and he places down his phone.

He gives her a bright smile, turning his focus over to her light brown eyes, "Hi Kagami."

She blushes lightly but pushes it away, "Would you like to go ice skating sometime? I know you're really busy but if you do get some time away I think it would be nice."

"Ice skating would be nice," He pulls out his phone once more checking his calendar and looks away deep in thought. "I won't be free until the weekend but if you want to do something before that maybe we can catch coffee together before a lesson?"

Kagami's face brightened and she nodded her head with excitement, "Yes I would love that."

"Great!" Adrien puts his phone away once more and the two continue into another conversation as they catch up with each other and Kagami argues with her own mind over how easy this whole situation was.

It isn't too long until Gorilla is able to pick up Adrien and before returning home they stop by the gym to get Ella. The twins each gush over their days and the time they had with the other they found interest over. Of course Ella rambled more than her brother but Adrien was still extremely pleased while talking about Kagami.

Ella held onto this moment even as they parted ways and she was snuggled into her overly priced covers. It felt as if more things were going back to normal but one thing was staying stagnant and that was her father. Though something was changing about him... just not in the way she hoped things would so she made her way over to her computer where she had access to the camera footage and bug audio.

She skipped through most of the footage until she found her father staring at the painting of her mother once again, in the same spot he was placed as the time she saw him in person. She watched the video intensely but nothing happened... he just stood there like time froze until the video started moving again but this time he was no longer facing the portrait but turned away with his back facing it.

"What!" Ella mumbled the word to herself as she rewinded the video to see what happened but the video cut to him in that position showing no movement of how he got there at all. She let out a disappointed sigh and continued watching the footage to see that everything after that point remained fluid and normal.

She peaked out her doorway in annoyance and heard the annoying snorzees of her father yet again and continued down the steps back to his office. There she found it devoid of life and the outlet camera was still placed in the socket. She pulled it out to check for damage but found there was nothing wrong with it, absolutely nothing... so she walked over to her back facing the door painting inspecting it but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Although before she could turn around the lights go on and the office doors slam.

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