Chapter Twenty

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Ella holds Luka's jacket tight to her chest and she looks for him in the crowd of students after the dismissal bell rings. Although as her head darts from face to face none of them belong to the boy who is always carrying his guitar. It isn't until a hand taps her shoulder that she turns around to face him being somewhat startled

"Hi Ella," He says looking into her eyes with a smile. "It's been a while since I've seen you last."

My eyes linger on his for a while in awe before I snap back into it and begin speaking, "Yeah it has been... but here." I hand him the jacket softly. "I have this to give back to you."

He raises an eyebrow surprised that she remembered or even had it on her, "Thank you... I'm surprised you even remember."

"What?" Ella asked with a smile. "How could I forget?"

"It's just you haven't been around for a while I thought you and Juleka weren't close anymore," He shrugged putting the jacket into his book bag.

"No..." I looked up at him and tapped my foot. "It's not that I've just been busy recently."

"Well... are you busy today?" Luka gave her a smile which reached his eyes but also hers.

Ella blushed slightly before shaking her head, "Not until later, I have gymnastics... why?"

"Well, there's no tech crew or band today and I was going to stop by Andre's before heading home and Juleka had a date with Rose so I was hoping for some company."

"Hmmm," Ella looked him up and down in a playful manner. "You, as company? I don't think so."

Luka gave her a smirk, "Fine then, I'll eat Paris's best ice cream alone."

Ella lets out a groan and walks after him, "Ugh, whatever I guess I'll get ice cream with you."

Luka lets out a sound of excitement and they both burst into laughter at the stupidity of it. Luka pulls up the location of Andre's cart and they begin their journey. The pair hit it off better than before as they learn more about the other's life or realize how similar their humors are to each other.

Ella listens to Luka as she takes in every piece of him. From the way his blue hair is constantly being pushed away from being in his eyes to the way his guitar is swung over his shoulder so perfectly. Luka tells Ella the story of how his family ended up on the boat and how determined his mother has been his whole life to make it perfect for both him and Juleka.

Ella doesn't share many things too personal as Lila was the only person she truly confined within, although she listened to each of Luka's stories and held deeply onto them. The pair soon arrived upon Andre's ice cream cart and categorized the two as lovers but they both shyly pushed away the idea, he on the other hand continued to push the idea.

They sat down on the pavement leading to the Riverbed as they continued their conversation with Luka this time focusing on Ella's story as she talked about a past vacation she and her mother went on to New York. Luka was just as enchanted with Ella as she was him him although he lacked the belief that she would truly want the boy who struggled whilst living on a boat to actually take care of her, the celebrity, actress, and beauty she was compared to him. Luka wanted his feelings for her to grow but didn't want to get hurt and be treated like a plastic bag in the process.

As the two were nearing close to Ella's gym she smiled warmly at Luka, "Thank you for today, and inviting me. It was nice being able to feel normal again."

Her words surprised Luka but the word normal stuck with him the most as that was just what he was, normal and she was everything, "Yeah, of course."

"I'll see you at school Luka," Ella smiled brightly at him and she hugged him goodbye and headed up the stairs to the door of her gym.

"See you later... melody," He said the nickname too quietly for her to hear and he believed it was going to be the last time he would ever say the name again. Luka let out a shaky sigh before walking away from the gym to the direction of his house.

More Luka and Ella content coming soon <3

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