Chapter Fifteen

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Ella knocked on the large wooden door which was painted a cream white. The brick which made up the walls of the house were a deep dark red, each one with a different hue but none looked out of place. She stood a moment waiting for the doors to open as she looked at the many roses which sprouted from the ground decorating the front of the house.

The door sprung open to reveal the sweet smell of strawberries and cake wafted from the house and into Ella's nose. She breathed it all in, becoming increasingly hungrier as she waited to have food until now. After the intensity of the smell passed she noticed Lila whose face was covered in flour, causing them both to erupt in laughter.

Ella following her shorter friend into the house tripped and fell onto the floor landing on her forearms. Shocked, she looked back to see Lucian laughing to himself on the floor. She shook her head and laughed around with the child but quickly went after him. Loud high pitched screams could be heard from throughout the house, until Ella finally caught up to him and began to tickle him until he begged her to stop.

"Ella!" He screamed, hugging her tightly. "Wanna play battle?" Lucian began flailing his arms around trying to imitate karate, "I've been practicing. Come watch my new tricks!"

"Don't annoy Ella, Lucian. She came here to have fun, not babysit," Clara said walking down the stairs.

"It's okie Mrs. Rossi, Lila's still working in the kitchen and our day doesn't start until after lun-?"

Though before she could finish her sentence Lucian jumped on her back tackling her to the ground with a large thud, "Did you like my new trick?"

Ella nodded and went to talk but it was all to confuse the small boy as she went after him. Locking him in her arms she stood up and spun him around a few times then finally dropped him onto the couch and hid behind it. He stood up fast but didn't see where Ella left to, as the world seemed to be spinning around him in circles.

As he edged around the couch Lila watched with a large smile on her face. Ella readied her body in order to pounce up and sucked in a deep breath. As soon as she saw the boys body she jumped up and made a deep terrifying scream. Lucian also screamed as well, his voice cracking terribly. Though once he realized it was Ella his fear turned to anger and he started hitting her repeatedly. Her reaction was only continuous laughter and so was Lila.

"Lunch, Dinner, whatever it is. It's ready," Lila announced, placing the scone sandwiches and cake on the table.

Lucian pushed Ella out of the way and ran to the dining room, "Me first!"

Ella only rolled her eyes and continued Lucian's trail into the dining room. The smell was even better when she entered, it reminded her just how good Lila's cooking is, especially since she hadn't had it in weeks. She took a seat on the far end of the table closest to the table and next to Lila. The four of them ate the meal with laughs and smiles, Ella's was the brightest. Though there was still an emptiness burrowed in her heart.

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