^Chapter Eight^

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"Mom, can you tell the wish story again!" a small Ella cried as Emile kissed her forehead.

"Yes, but after that do you promise to go to bed?" Emilie asked with a smile.

"I promise."

"Okay," Emilie laid next to her daughter and Ella snuggled into her. "A young woman in a red dress with black spots danced under the moonlit sky, her face covered with a mask to match her dress. Everyone casted their eyes upon the young girl, even the prince himself. He was elegant but mysterious, the only one at the party to have no mask and to wear all black. He hid in the shadows watching the lady dance, though his eyes seemed to glow of green as he hid.

"The young woman caught the emerald eyes spying on her from a distance, only to disappear into the crowd. The prince looked for her but couldn't find the girl, until he felt a tap on his shoulder and there she was. She curtsied then asked the prince for a dance, it fascinated him because no girl in the past had ever asked him to dance before. He accepted and when taking his hand the girl noticed a ring with a marking that resembled that of a cat's paw. While he noticed that the earrings on her ears mimicked the design of her dress.

"The two could've danced the whole night but they were interrupted by an evil sorceress who wanted the prince's kingdom for her own!" Ella snuggled closer into her mother as this part would always scare her. "Everyone in the courtyard looked in fear though the brave prince pulled out a long sword from his scabbard and charged for the sorceress but she froze him with a flick of her hand. She began to mock the prince before she could take any other actions. The girl in the red used her own form of magic to entangle the sorceress in a thin string. The sorceress tried to break the string but couldn't, so spun around until the girl lost grip and was thrown into the panticed people.

"The sorceress continued after the prince and was able to remove his ring. It turned his suit to white and the glow of his green eyes disappeared but he was able to move again. The girl looked in shock and used her magic again to summon a veil of sparkling black dust. The sorceress laughed at her then charged at the girl, removing her earrings. Turning her once beautiful dress to rags, revealing herself as the windmill's daughter and looking at the prince in shame.

"The sorceress crackled and there began to be a formation of purple magic that swirled around her. Everyone stared at her in horror but the girl still held the black dust in her hand, pushing through the wind she marched towards the sorceress. She began to speak, 'I wish to be-' but before she could wish to be the ruler, the girl threw the black powder on the sorceress, turning her into a small bug.

"The people cheered for the girl and the prince ran to her and swooped her up into his arms. They retrieved their jewels and finished the night off with a dance..." Emilie kissed her daughter's forehead and whispered goodnight, wiping a tear from her eye.

She left and entered her own bedroom to find her husband laying in bed waiting for her and she shook her head, "We shouldn't be telling this stuff to Ella."

"What do you mean, love?" Gabriel asked, diverting his attention away from his book and to Emile.

"Opening her up to those jewels at such a young age," She began to cough then it slowly faded away. "I don't ever want to expose her to this nor Adrien."

"So we won't darling. That's all you have to say. I didn't know you felt this way, if I knew I would've never exposed them," He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I'm sorry."


Ella shook her head not wanting to believe what she saw and her breath caught in her lungs but quickly snapped out of it when Luka called her name. She smiled at the two and they began to discuss the superheroes but the story stayed in the back of Ella's mind even when entering onto Juleka's house boat. 

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