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The chatter in the ballroom died down as the king and queen were announced, "Their Majesties, King Hudson and Queen Aurelia Denholm of the Fae Realm!"

Okay so maybe Scott was more nervous than he was trying to convince himself now that he thought about it, but he wasn't going to bail, he could not back down now. He was doing this for Katherine, for Shelby and for his beloved Will, for those he cared about, he would give the world.

"His Royal Highness, Crowned Prince Scott Denholm of the Fae Realm!"

Will lent over to give Scott a quick kiss on the cheek as a token of good luck, "Go on, love."

Scott fixed his posture subconsciously as the door was opened for him, he kept his head held high as he walked towards his parents and bowed, "Your Majesties."

Hudson gave him a distant nod, watching the prince stand up straight to move beside his mother, tension between the family was not well hidden but Scott would play along for appearances sake.

"Mother, you look exceptionally well," Scott's tone was polite but truly he did not want to speak to his mother and he knew that he mother did not want him speaking to her.

"As do you, you look alive," Aurelia replied coldly, not even bothering to look at her eldest son.

Next to be announced was Scott's younger brother.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Axton Denholm of the Fae Realm!"

Scott perked up slightly, he hadn't been sure his younger brother would make it, but it did calm his nerves to see star, though it annoyed him that his parents refused to have them announced as 'Acho'. His brother's name was not Axton Perceus, star's name was Acho Orion.

"Your Majesties. Brother," Acho nodded, standing next to his mother and brother.

"My son and heir has an announcement to make!" Hudson called to the crowd, gesturing for Scott to step forward and address the court and deliver this news.

Scott stepped forward and gestured towards the doors that he and his family had emerged from, "I have added the first consort to my harem! My primary consort! Lord Owen, if you would please be so kind as to announce him?" He asked.

The word 'him' caught a few people's attention but no one was brave enough to call out the Crowned Prince in such a large crowd and at such an important moment in his life. It wasn't exactly a secret that the Crowned Prince was gay but it wasn't something people brought up casually or in polite company because the king did not want it spoken of.

Owen stood close to the doors, "His Grace, Lord Will Renais, Duke of Aquatia and Frostine!" He called, pushing the door open for the half Fae half human boy.

Will walked through the newly opened doors, their head held high, making sure not to look at the man he was forced to call his father and also his guardian. He could only feel confident as he looked at Scott, his fiancé, he was the beacon of Will's self confidence.

Scott met Will halfway across the room and after they greeted each other properly, the prince led the duke to his parents and younger brother, "Father, Mother, Brother, may I introduce you to the Duke of Aquatia and Frostine, son of the late Duchess of Aquatia and Frostine as well as her husband, Viscount Gavin Renais," he introduced loud enough for Court to hear.

Will knelt before the King and Queen out of respect, "Your Majesties, it is an honour to be presented to you."

"I have never heard you introduced both on your own and as a duke," Hudson looked the younger boy up and down, he wanted to make sure the boy before him was prepared for the task of marrying his son and heir.

"I am never allowed far on my own before at the demand of the Captain Merton lest I get too many ideas that he does not agree with, so he has always been by my side. As for my title, Your Majesty, it was kept hidden from me but His Royal Highness informed me of my right to inherit my grandfather's titles as my mother died when I was born," Will explained, keeping his head low and his wings drawn tight into a bow as he knelt before the royal family.

"Well you seem like a polite and well-spoken young man, you have my blessing to marry my son," Hudson blessed, he was getting bored and wanted to mingle with his wives and courtiers.

"Many thanks be to Your Majesty for your graciousness," Will still did not rise as he hadn't been given permission, he was smarter than to offend Hudson on their first meeting.

"Your Grace may rise, allow for the festivities to begin!" Hudson announced, walking off to chat to a red headed woman Will had seen before but didn't recall the name of immediately.

Will stood and walked to take Scott's outstretched hand, bowing his head, "Merton is going to hurt me," they whispered slowly.

He knew it was a bad idea to speak so publicly against Merton and even the fact that they had announced his engagement without once informing Elyas of any of it.

Scott, knowing he cannot make a scene in public, whispered an affirming comment in return, "He will not touch you or he will face my wrath. That is a promise my dear and I keep my promises."

Will nodded slowly, he saw Merton staring him down from across the room, starting to move closer. He did not want to speak to Elyas at that moment, he was scared of what the captain would say to him.

Scott, also noting Merton's slow approach, took Will's arm and led him towards a group of three royal looking hybrids, "Come meet the demon siblings, they are so nice and I think you'd really like them."

"I'd love to meet them!" Will replied, letting Scott lead the way.

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