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Will anxiously paced around his room at the royal palace, the room he had been set up in by the Queen before the wedding. He was really doing this. He was getting married to Scott.

"If you keep pacing around like that then Aurelia is going to kill you if you dent her palace's floor."

Will spun around to come face to face with a smiling Maria, "Hey Ria, how are you doing?" He asked, jittering with both nerves and excitement.

"I'm doing just fine hun, I can't thank you enough for letting me stay with you during my mourning period," Maria was notably dressed entirely in black as her mother had died two weeks prior.

"Of course Maria, there was no doubt about it when Scott asked if I'd be fine with you staying. You know that we could have pushed the wedding back so that you didn't have to wear black, I know you prefer red," Will placed his hand on Maria's forearm with a kind smile.

"Absolutely not, no way were you pushing your wedding back for the death of that wench. My mother essentially married me off to the king the second she could for the money it provided," Maria shrugged, "Now, to change the subject, why are you pacing around like a nervous wreck? Said with affection of course."

"I am absolutely terrified of what happens next. I knew I was marrying a prince but this morning it really hit me that I am marrying the prince. Scott is not just some prince, some heir, he's going to be King and then I'll be the husband of the Fae King and oh my void I'm going to be the husband of the Fae King!" Will started to pace again when Maria grabbed his hand to stop him.

"You are going to be Scott's husband before you are the King's husband. He loves you so much, more than you will ever know, and he'd do anything to make sure you are safe and comfortable. To him you are Mr Denholm before you are Prince Consort," Maria reassured him gently.

"Logically I know that you are right but I am still worried. If I do anything wrong, even something miniscule, then it negatively impacts Scott," Will let himself stand still for a moment before shakily sitting in a chair, "Maria, I can't..."

"You can and you will. Will, Scott loves you and you love him. There is nothing else that matters more than your love for each other in this moment. Do you need me to get someone for you?" The red head knelt in front of the duke, trying to comfort him.

"I need Scott..." Will spoke shakily, squeezing the armrest tightly "Now."

"Lord Pix! Find the Crowned Prince at once! I do not care what anyone else says," Maria called out the door, taking Will's hand into her own.

Will took a deep breath in, trying to calm his nerves as he hung his head, "I am not good enough for him," he admitted, he sounded dejected and broken, "I am not good enough for Scott."

"You are absolutely perfect for him, I promise you that. I've known Scott for his entire life and he's never gone through with something he didn't absolutely want to go through with," Maria promised, holding onto Will's hand gently, "I promise that you are good enough for him."

"Will, my love," Scott walked into the room dressed up in his military uniform and medals and immediately hurried to kneel beside Maria, "Will, I love you and I want to marry you, today. I promise that you and I are getting married today and not a force on earth can stop us."

Maria stood to leave the couple in peace, bowing her head as she exited the room to finish getting ready.

"I'm sorry. I'm not having second thoughts about marrying you, I swear, I'm just nervous about all the people and the fact that my father is going to be there," the words fell from his mouth faster than he could stop them.

"Baby, the second we are wed, Kat is dragging him out and you don't ever need to see him again until you want to," Scott placed a gentle kiss to Will's gloves hand when he noted the white bandages peaking out from underneath the snow coloured gloves, almost blending in, "Baby, are you hurt?" He started to fret.

Will's eyes widened as he hurried to pull his gloves up high enough to cover the bandages, "I do not wish to speak of it right now."

"Do you need to see a doctor?"

"I am fine."

Scott exhaled slowly at his fiancé's stubbornness, "I am going to believe you but we will be talking about this later on."

A knock at the door broke the conversation as Will called for whoever was on the other side to enter his room.

"Your Royal Highness, they are ready for you at your carriage, they are waiting to take you to the cathedral," Marnie smiled as she curtsied before she pulled Scott in for a hug, "You are one of my 'Gales now and I'm going to protect you with my life."

"Thank you Marnie, I'll see you soon," Scott returned the hug before placing a small, loving kiss on Will's forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too," Will replied, returning the gesture before standing to bow as Scott left the room.

Scott shot Gavin a poised death stare as he left, the Viscount had arrived with Marnie and was yet to speak as Scott had not given him permission.

Internally he realised that Scott hadn't given Marnie permission to speak either but he knew the reason for that is because Scott actually liked Marnie, he did not like Gavin.

Marnie sat down and gestured for Will to sit too, ignoring Gavin entirely, "You are getting married. I feel so old," she joked.

Will chuckled a little, some of his nerves dissipating, "Well you are getting up there Mar so..." he trailed off in a teasing tone

"Oh you cheeky thing!" Marnie gasped in faux annoyance, flicking Will's shoulder playfully, just like she used to.

Gavin fought off the small smile that tried to etch itself onto his face, he simply stood silently near the door for the accumulating minutes that the two others chatted with each other in a way he could only imagine his wife would have if she had lived. He banished that thought as quickly as it had arrived.

Marnie stood about twenty minutes after Scott had left and offered her hand to the Duke, "Let's go get you married to your prince."

Will took Marnie's hand and stood, "Let's do this, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with him."

The duo ignored Gavin the entire time as they made their way out to Will's carriage.

"After you Mar," Will helped Marnie into the carriage and then turned with a cold glare towards his father, "Viscount," he watched his father enter the carriage and then Will themself climbed into the golden carriage, settling down into the plush white cushions, smiling contently as Pix began to drive the carriage.

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