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Once the carriage stopped, Scott smiled softly at the sleeping boy across from him, he turned to face Katherine, "Could you go ahead and inform everyone that Will cares just as little for titles as I do and then I still want you to see the physician, I won't accept no for an answer."

"Of course," Katherine gave Scott a brief hug, "See you later."

Scott returned the hug, "Then go have fun, spend some time with your girlfriend perhaps?"

Katherine agreed happily, exiting the carriage, leaving the two boys alone.

Scott lent across and gently took Will's hands into his own, "Love, we are home," he spoke gently.

Will's eyes opened slowly as he took a slow breath in, "I'm tired..." he muttered, leaning into Scott's embrace.

"I know love, but give it a few minutes and you'll feel more awake, then we can go take a nap," Scott held his fiancé close as he spoke.

"Do I have to act all regal and perfect? I do not have the energy," Will muttered, letting a wave of energy slowly crest over him but it wasn't enough.

"Nope, not here, as a matter of fact I wouldn't be surprised to see Fwip and Doc trying to out redstone each other while Etho laughs at them," Scott chuckled slightly, he was used to the chaos in his palace, it was comforting.

Will pulled back and nodded gently, "Alright, yeah, I can do this," he nodded to himself.

Scott pushed open the door of the carriage, "Come on then my dear, welcome home," he stepped out of the carriage, offering a hand to the half human.

Will hesitated for just a moment before taking the offered appendage, stepping out to admire his new home.

"Hey Scott!" Etho called, waving to the prince and his fiancé, "Oh hello! You must be Will!" He smiled, though it was hidden beneath his mask, "I am Etho and I am a mining elf. These two idiots in the hole are Fwip, a goblin hybrid, and Doc, a creeper hybrid," he gestured towards the two down a hole.

Two voices called up a quick "Hello!" before returning to their playful arguing over redstone circuits.

"It is a delight to meet you Etho! My name is Will, as you know," Will chuckled, "Are you cool with handshakes or would you prefer something else?"

"Yeah, I'm completely fine with handshakes," Etho offered his hand for Will.

Will shook the offered hand, stifling a yawn, "Please forgive me but I am very drained. Scott, may I retire to my rooms for a while?" He asked as he pulled his hand back.

"Of course my dear. Your lady in waiting, Lady Michela, should be inside waiting for us, she can show you to your rooms. I shall see you soon my dear," Scott kissed Will's forehead, smiling lovingly at his fiancé's retreating form.

"He seems so sweet, a good man," Etho commented, fidgeting with his mask uncomfortably as it pressed against his face.

"Etho, you can take it off if you'd like, you know that," Scott reassured him, "I'm not like my father and I won't judge you."

Etho reached for the clip attached to his mask and slowly moved the facial covering away, taking a deep breath in, unrestricted, "So was Impulse at the ball? Or Tango? Or Skizz?" He asked excitedly.

Etho had fought alongside the demon and blaze hybrids in a battle against the End Kingdom's former king and the four had practically been inseparable from that moment on, giving themselves the team name TIES.

Whenever they were apart, you could tell they were missing something, they were only truly at peace with each other.

Scott smiled, "I spoke to Impulse and Skizz, though I left before I could see if Tango was there. I do plan on sending a representative to Impy and Skizz for a diplomatic tea and I can see if I can secure an invite for Tango too if you wanted to see them? I trust you to be my representative," He offered, he'd go to great lengths for his friends.

Etho physically perked up at the idea of being able to see his closest friends again, "Really?!"

"Dude absolutely! Now, I've got to go see Will and help them settle in before taking a nap. Do you want to come inside or do you want to watch these two argue in a hole?" Scott chuckled as he heard Doc and Fwip from in the hole.

Etho took a moment to consider before calling down the hole, "I'm heading in with Scott!"

"Bye bye!"

Etho rolled his eyes playfully, moving to walk beside Scott as the two entered Scott's home, making small conversation.

The prince smiled comfortably at the familiarity of the home, "I truly love this place."

"We all do," Etho nodded, "Now, I believe you have a fiancé who is probably expecting affection. I'm also going to take a nap, see you later dude?" Etho gave Scott a quick hug before heading off to his rooms.

Scott waved him off affectionately, heading towards the wing in his palace that had forever been empty that now housed his fiancé and in the future it would house all of his spouses.

When he pushed the door open, he saw Will smiling and chatting happily with Lady Michela.

Michela, seeing the prince in the doorway, stood and curtsied, "I'll be on my way out."

Scott shook his head, "Michela, you, my fiancé and my brother have been friends for years, you are welcome to stay or go as you please."

Will jumped up and hugged Scott tightly, "Hey love!"

Scott could only smile as he took Will into his arms, protectively, "Hello my dear, are you doing alright?"

"I was just talking to Michela and we were talking about a few of the guys I saw at the ball last night, some of the pretty ones like Impulse," Will blushed.

Scott cocked his head teasingly, "Oh? Who caught your eye my love?"

"He was tall and covered in sunflower motifs, I can't remember his name, I zoned out when I saw him," Will gushed, turning red, "He was also covered in gold and silver and jewels."

"Oh yeah, that's Sausage. That's fair, he's very hot," Scott shrugged casually.

"Oh very much so, very very attractive," Will buried his head into Scott's chest, humming tiredly.

"Let's take a nap babes, we can talk about pretty nobles when we wake up," Scott helped Will lie down against the bed, "Michela, you are free to explore."

Michela smiled, "Have fun you two," she scurried out, closing the door gently behind her.

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