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Will was unsure how cuddling worked, he'd never had anyone to cuddle them before but the idea of physical contact appealed to him so much.

"Baby, you look like you are about to cry, come here," Scott opened his arms, his loose nightshirt hung around him as he stood, they had both changed not too long prior.

Will slowly took a step forward, letting himself stand in the loving embrace, "Warm..." He hummed out quietly, running his thumb across his newly equipped compression gloves, having swapped the satin ones out while changing.

"Would it be alright with you if I play with your hair?"

Will tensed slightly, "Maybe later... Sorry..." He hung his head slightly in shame.

"Don't apologise to me Bubs, just relax and let me hold you," Scott pressed a small kiss to Will's forehead, just holding them close in his arms.

A tired yawn escaped Will's lips as he leant into the embrace, he let their eyes slide closed as he curled up into his fiancé's warmth.

"Do you want to lay down honey?" Scott's voice was gentle as he manoeuvred them so that Will was laying with his head on Scott's lap, relaxing just a little.

"I'm so sorry you are stuck with someone like me..."

That sentence broke Scott's heart more than anything had before, "My sweetheart, whatever that horrible man had told you about your worth is wrong and bad. You are worthy of every piece of my affections and so much more, you are worth all of the love you deserve," Scott's hands rested on Will's chest, laced together.

"Can I... talk to you about... about what Merton was like growing up?" Will asked, sitting up to be face to face with his fiancé.

"Of course my sunshine, you take all the time you need to talk, it's just you and me here."

Will took a deep breath in, opening his mouth to explain to his lover.


Will was no older than six or seven when Merton decided that he had to grow up a lot quicker than any kid should, after all, he would not have a Fae running around bothering his crew.

Will stood quietly before his father's captain, his wings fluttering anxiously behind him.

"There are to be three rules from now on boy and you'll do well oblige by them. First rule is you do not disobey or disrespect me. Second rule is that you do not speak to anyone without my permission. Third rule is that you will live as a human, not a Fae. Obey and I will allow you the occasional visit to that Caravel bastard-"

"You mean Lady Caravel."

And that was what earned Will the first of many slaps from Merton, "Watch yourself boy! I will not tolerate a back talking brat on my ship!"

Will's mouth immediately fell closed obediently.

"And put away those void awful wings or I'll cut them off!"


"I stopped fighting against him by about sixteen, maybe seventeen, I just didn't have any fight left in me. Sometimes you look at a losing battle and know that it isn't worth fighting anymore" Will had tears streaming down his face again by this point.

Scott sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke, "You were a child sweetheart, no one deserves that, least of all an innocent child."

"Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Father never brought me back from Graecie's mother's house, or if my own mother had lived longer than she had," Will shrugged a little, his voice was more monotone than it should have been.

"May I touch you? Hold you? However you wish, I just want to hold you and tell you that everything will be alright," Scott was hesitant, he wanted to hold Will and tell them that he was proud of him, that they were loved, but he didn't want to make his fiancé uncomfortable.

"I just want to sleep until we can leave this place tomorrow... I cannot face your father's court knowing that Merton is here..."

"I am so sorry my love, you will be expected at breakfast tomorrow but after that you and I can leave as soon as possible, to my castle where you will be treated with every inch of respect you deserve and where I can hold you as we please," Scott whispered gently, holding Will's hands in his own.

"Is it just your parents and brother?" Will could not take more people, they were struggling to stay completely pulled together with just his fiancé, more people meant more pressure.

"Just my mother, brother and perhaps a few of my father's other wives but they mainly live in their various manor homes. I did see that Madame Maria Soldera was at the ball so perhaps she and Madames Devi and Trixie will be there because they normally go places together," Scott explained gently.

Will, wanting a distraction, changed the subject slightly, "How many wives does your father have? I don't think I've seen many before."

"He has seven, my mother being his Queen and then he has his six other consorts known as The Madames. They all are technically known as Princess Consorts but we call them Madames when it is not an official meeting or events," the topic had never really bothered Scott, most of the Madames had been alright with him growing up and he saw them as aunts.

Will nodded intently, watching his fiancé speak about King Hudson's marriage, about the wives of King Hudson.

"In order of seniority there is Queen Aurelia, Madame Maria, Madame Devi, Madame Trixie, Madame Lucille, Madame Zayla and Madame Francine. Most of them took my father's last name except for Maria, she kept her own last name," Scott listed on his fingers, making sure not to miss a name.

Will's smile settled naturally onto his face as his fiancé spoke, inching closer and closer until he was back with his head in Scott's lap, whining tiredly, "You are pretty when you talk and your voice is pretty."

"Thank you my dear. Now, I think you should sleep, I will be here when you wake up and then it is only breakfast before we can go to our home," Scott promised lovingly, staying awake just long enough to make sure Will had drifted off peacefully and was safe.

As the prince fell asleep, he made a vow, a bow to punish those who had hurt his fiancé. He would be just, of course, because no matter what, a punishment must befit the crime so until he had every piece of information, he could only dream of punishments.

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