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Will smoothed out his suit as he waited for the music that would be his cue to walk, making sure he looked proper and perfect, as any consort should be.

Scott had already made his way up the aisle with his parents, the King and Queen stood in place as their son beamed in pride at the thought of his fiancé.

The music began to play quietly, ready for Katherine and Graecie to make their way down as the maids of honour to the prince and duke respectively, both close friends of the duo.

Acho gave Will a reassuring smile before moving over to one of Scott's groomsmen, Impulse, to lead him down the aisle, standing on their respective sides of the altar, both with massive smiles on their faces.

Next to walk was Michela and Owen, Will's groomsmaid and Scott's groomsman respectively, leaving Will with his father and godmother.

"Are you ready to get married to Scott?" Marnie smiled, taking Will's arm.

"I am, no questioning it, I am ready to marry him," Will's smile fell as he faced his father, "Viscount, you may walk beside me but you will not touch me until absolutely necessary and then after that you will not speak."

"As Your Grace wishes," Gavin walked beside his eldest son, making sure no individual part of his body touched the duke so there was no reason to be escorted out earlier than necessary.

Will took a nervous breath in, holding his head high as he walked towards his fiancé, stopping to bow to the King, Queen and The Madames out of respect.

"Lord Renais," almost all of them greeted though Madame Francine turned up her nose and did not greet the Duke, not that Will minded, he did not like her and she didn't find the time to meet with him.

Devi and Trixie smiled and greeted Will with familiarity and respect, they had become close after their first meeting.

At the altar, as the officiant, stood Maria, who bowed her head out of respect to the Duke as he made his way to her, "Who is giving His Grace away?" She asked, smiling at Marnie.

"We are, as his father and godmother," Gavin spoke for himself and Marnie, taking Will's hand to offer it to Scott just as he had been told to.

"And who is receiving His Grace?" Maria spoke, trying not to show contempt for Gavin's existence.

"That would be me," Scott took the offered hand with a glare at Gavin and a smile at Marnie, he could multitask his emotions.

The father and godmother of the Duke bowed their heads and moved to sit in their designated seats so that Maria could begin the ceremony as the officiant.

"We welcome our dearest family, friends and courtiers. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Crowned Prince Scott Aurelius Denholm of the Fae Realm and Lord Will Marino Renais, Duke of Aquatia and Frostine," Maria tilted her head towards the two.

The court stood and tilted their heads until they were given permission to sit by the Princess Consort, while she didn't exercise her power, Maria was a high ranking individual being wife to the King.

"If anyone can think of any reason why these two gentlemen should not be wed then speak now or forever hold your peace," Maria looked over the crowd for a few moments.

No one objected, Marnie had jabbed Gavin in the ribs as a warning that if he objected then he would have to deal with her.

With no objections, Maria continued on, "This is not the beginning of a new relationship by any means but it is in fact an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together. Scott and Will have spent years getting to know each other through letters before their engagement, and we now bear witness to what their relationship has become. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly here before us all," she looked between the couple with a gentle smile, her stepson and his fiancé.

A Prince's HaremTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon