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"Mother, Father, we thank you for your hospitality," Scott bowed his head as he passed by his parents.

"Your Majesties, one thousand thanks be to you," Will bowed beside his fiancé.

"Scott, Lord Renais, enjoy your journey, stay safe and do not cause havoc," Aurelia commented while her husband gave them a dismissive wave.

Scott led Will to a far more happy group consisting of three consorts and a prince, "Madames, Brother," he pulled Acho into a brief hug.

Maria pulled Will into a hug, "You can always write to us if you need help or just want to have a chat," she promised.

"Thanks Maria!" Will returned the embrace before hugging Devi and Trixie, finally turning to face Acho with a bow of his head.

"We are going to be brothers soon," Acho pulled Will close to star, "And I'm sure Marnie is going to be absolutely thrilled when she hears that you'll be marrying Scott."

"I'm writing to tell her the news as soon as we get to Scott's palace-"

"I believe Will means 'our palace'," Scott shimmied up next to Will, giving Acho a quick hug, "Will you visit us?"

"You'd be crazy to think I wouldn't come see my brother and his fiancé," Acho patted his brother on the back, "Now go and enjoy your new home dude!" He turned to speak to Will.

"Thank you," Will allowed Scott to take his hand and help him into their carriage, settling into the soft pillows, "How did you get a wooden carriage to be so comfortable?" He questioned when their fiancé came in and shed his coat.

"So much cushioning, and a little bit of magic too," Scott sat across from Will setting his coat off to the side, "Also the pillows are very plush so there's that added bonus."

Will let himself settle down fully, absently fiddling with his sleeves as the carriage began to move forward, "What will happen to Captain Merton?" He asked cautiously.

Scott inhaled sharply, though he had expected the question, "That is entirely up to you. If you wish for him to be tried then he will, but if you want to never see him again then there will be nothing more said in the matter. Also if you want him punched in the face then Pix has no issues with that either so long as you don't tell anyone," he shrugged.

"Pix is a very kind man, and very protective too, he was quick to start protecting me," Will let himself voice his internal thoughts.

"That's because he trusts you, and Pix has an uncanny ability to read people, he protects those who he deems worthy of his protection," Scott wasn't about to spill his friend's secrets completely, "He was raised in a bad part of a poor village and that is all I can explain for now."

Will nodded, accepting the answer wholeheartedly, "So Impulse?" He changed the subject to the very attractive demon from the previous night's ball, he couldn't deny that the demon was very handsome.

Scott's face flushed slightly, it wasn't a very well kept secret that he found Impulse very attractive, even the thought of the other prince made him blush.

"He's quite good looking, and he seems really sweet and I think he'd be a cool friend to have," Will could only smile at the sight of his fiancé blushing over the demon hybrid.

"He is so kind and caring, he's always ready to offer an ear to listen," Scott shook his head affectionately, giggling just a little.

Before Will could carry on the conversation, the carriage came to a halt and he heard Pix's voice shouting some kind of command, one that he didn't quite catch.

Scott placed his hand on the door to push it open but stopped when it was pulled open from the outside before he could get out.

Pix was holding Katherine up by the waist. She was the only one of Scott's household who had elected not to go ahead of the prince's carriage and instead she rode alongside it despite the heat.

"Kat!" Scott helped Pix move Katherine into the carriage, laying her down in his lap so that she wasn't uncomfortable, "Pix, what happened?"

"She is overheating, she nearly fell off her horse," Pix closed the carriage door, "I will send someone ahead to inform the physician, one of my men."

Will grabbed a bottle of water from his satchel, moving it to Katherine, "Hey Katherine, could you try to drink this for me? I promise that it will help."

It was a small noise of affirmation that got Will to slowly help Katherine sit up and drink the water, he didn't want her to choke if she drank laying down.

Scott helped hold Katherine up so that she was safe, "There you go Kat, you are doing so well."

Once the water was finished, Katherine rested her head back on Scott's lap, "Stupid big dress. Stupid multiple layered clothes."

"Why did you not wear your riding clothes? I would not care if you had chosen that," Scott ran his fingers through his close friend's hair.

"Your father came to see me last night and told me that as a future wife of the prince, of the future king, I must be perfect," Katherine replied tiredly, "I wore them underneath my dress to change on our first stop but I didn't want to anger your father."

"You could show up in anything and I'd still love you, platonically of course, do you want to change into them so you don't keep overheating?" Scott made a note to have a less than pleasant conversation with his father next time he was back at Court.

Will made a split second decision then and there and pressed his hands together, producing a chilly breeze within the carriage walls, "This should help," he spoke quietly, though he was internally very proud that it had worked.

Katherine thanked him quietly, shimmying her large dress off to be left in a pale pink tank top and black shorts, sighing as she started cooling down.

Will kept his hands together as the carriage began to move again, "Are you feeling any better Katherine?" He asked, the cold seemed to be helping but he wanted to be sure.

"Yes, thank you Will," Katherine gave a small smile, "You do not need to push yourself anymore, I should be alright for now."

Will stopped producing the cold breeze, shaking out his hands, "If you start feeling too hot again then let me know, I don't mind giving you a hand," he set his own hands down.

Scott gave Will a warm, loving, smile, "Want to keep talking about Impulse?"

"He is really pretty," Will immediately brought the conversation about the handsome hybrid back to life.

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