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Three weeks had passed faster than Will could have imagined, he could not believe that it was his and his fiancé's engagement party the night before their wedding.

Graecie handed Will a glass of wine, standing beside him, "Your father keeps pestering me to try to get you to speak with him so I recommend talking to some prince of another kingdom so he can't interrupt you without appearing impolite."

Will gave an appreciative hum to his maid of honour, "Thank you for the warning Graecie, will I see you tonight for my bachelor's dinner?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, I'll absolutely see you tonight," Graecie bowed her head and watched as Will moved to speak to Impulse, one of Scott's groomsmen.

"Your Royal Highness, welcome to the palace" Will bowed, "How was your journey?"

"Your Grace!" Impulse shook Will's hand, "On behalf of my family, we thank you and your fiancé for your hospitality. Our journey was extremely well, thank you for asking."

"Impulse, if I may speak plainly with you, in private?" Will gestured to the balcony for a private chat.

"Of course you can," Impulse followed Will out, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"I am, as of tomorrow, Scott's official consort, and that means that I have control over the harem. I wanted to ask you if you'd consider marrying us? Or more so, marrying Scott in the future?" Will asked, leaning against the balcony.

Impulse took a second to let the information settle into his brain, "Did you just propose to me? For Scott?"

"Not officially but yes, we wanted to know if it was a topic we could bring up after our honeymoon," Will offered a quizzical look, smiling happily.

"I'd be honoured to marry you both. Thank you for having this conversation with me and if you don't mind, I'm going to go have a very happy freak out with my sister," Impulse bowed his head, a massive grin breaking across his face as he went to speak to his sister.

Will took a small drink of his wine before he felt a body slide up next to him where the demon hybrid had been mere moments prior, the very man he'd been avoiding all night, "Hello Father."

Gavin sighed at the hostility in his son's voice, "I know that I am the last person you want to see right now but please just let me speak."

"Go on," Will's voice was monotone, hard as rock, there was no love in his tone.

"You never have to see me after tomorrow but please, if only for your mother's sake-" Gavin started, only to be cut off harshly by his heir.

"Take her name out of your mouth. Do not dishonor my mother's good name. You did nothing to save her while she died! You only cared that you had been given a son and heir! My mother died because you couldn't care enough to try to save her! After tomorrow's ceremony I want you gone, out of my life. Consider yourself banished from anywhere I am able to banish you from. Goodbye, Viscount," Will turned and walked back into the ballroom, bumping into Michela and Katherine.

"Are you alright Will?" Michela asked, seeing the angry look in her friends eyes, no matter how much he tried to hide it, she could always see through his mask.

Will inhaled sharply, "My father was trying to use my mother, and her death, as a bargaining chip to try to get back in my good graces."

"That is absolutely horrible of him, I am so sorry Will," Katherine had become close friends with the boy over the three weeks between the engagement and the engagement party and she did not want to see him angry over a horrible man, "Do I need to escort him out of your palace?"

"No, unfortunately not. He needs to be here tomorrow so he can 'give me away' to Scott, but after that then yeah, do as you please and spare no anger towards him," Will let out a quiet hiss.

"Consider it done, now go enjoy the party while I definitely don't plot the murder of your father in a secluded corner," Katherine gave Will a quick hug, moving to talk to Shelby and Michela, definitely not about how much she hated Viscount Renais.

Will found himself coming into the path of the King and Queen on his way around the ballroom, so he bowed in respect to the couple, "Your Majesties, an honour."

"Your Grace, such a lovely party you have hosted. We hear that you were very involved with the planning and decorating?" Aurelia commented.

"Yes Your Majesty, I was told that planning parties would be something I would be doing after marrying His Royal Highness," Will watched his future father in law leave the conversation, growing bored of the talk of consorts.

"It is something that a good consort should be able to do, most of Hudson's wives can," Aurelia nodded, though the use of the word 'most' did not go unnoticed by the duke, "Now I believe Captain Gatlin, Lord Owen of Oakhurst and Axton are waiting to see you before the night draws to a close. I shall see you at the ceremony tomorrow morning, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Will bowed again before making his way to yet another group of people who wanted his attention but this time he was happy to see them, unlike he was with his father and future parents in law.

"Will Renais! Long time no see," Marnie pulled Will into her arms, "Look at you, I was friends with your mother and now I'm looking at her only son and child all grown up, you are engaged to the Crowned Prince!"

"Hello to you too Marnie," Will chuckled as Marnie pulled away from their embrace.

"I saw your father trying to talk to you earlier, what did he want with you?" Acho asked, taking a sip of his own wine.

"To use Mother as a way to try make me like him again, not that it worked," Will shrugged, he knew that his father only wanted to be in his good books because he was marrying Scott and it would do the Viscount well to be on good terms with his future son-in-law.

"Your father can go and eat a big old bag of -"

"Alright! Owen, there are young children present," Will cut Owen off as three of the young Nether princesses ran by to greet their older brother who had just been announced.

"Fine fine," Owen rolled her eyes playfully, "Now I'm going to steal Acho for a bit, goodbye," she set her drink down and whisked Acho off.

Marnie let out a small chuckle, "I hear that you and your fiancé are speaking about who to add to your marriage after your honeymoon? Does this mean that you and Scott have been crushing on some nobility?"

"Yeah! Prince Impulse and Prince Tango are two contenders, and so are Lord Sausage and Lord Martyn," Will nodded, bowing his head as Tango and his sisters said a quick hello before the prince moved along to meet with the rest of TIES.

"As long as you are happy then I'm proud of you. And as someone who actually knew and cared for your mother, she truly would be proud of how far you have come," Marnie wrapped an arm around her dearest friend for a few moments before she pulled back.

"And she'd be happy knowing that it would be you filling in her place tomorrow as 'mother' of the groom," Will replied.

"Now go spend some time with your fiancé before the little Nether princesses wear him out too much, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"See you tomorrow Mar," Will hurried off to chuckle at his fiancé being surrounded and questioned by the young blaze hybrids who were all chittering with excitement.

"Princesses! This is the boy I was telling you about, my future husband. Will, these are Tango's younger sisters," Scott wrapped an arm around Will's waist.

"Hello Princesses, it is really nice to meet you."

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