4.lonely girl

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"Well who is she." Luke whispers to Ash. Ashton proceeds to shrug and turns to Calum who is peeling the sticker off the side of his green apple. Ash jabs Cal's stomach to alert him to please participate in the conversation.

"Does it really matter who she is. She's hot. Even when she's sleeping shes pretty hot. It's hard to be hot when you're sleeping. So if she's a hot one ASLEEP then can you imagine her awake? She will increase global warming by 13% hot damn." He says excitedly to the other two boys who are still staring down at their dorky best friend who's fringe is all over the place snuggled up to a girl who will apparently increase global warming by 13%.

"She looks familiar though." Luke sighs, ignoring Calum's irrelevant hotness rant. Luke looks closer at the girl. Her blonde hair with the now faded dip dye. The smudged makeup and Michael's clothes.

"I got it! She's the girl from the Blink-182 concert. Damn. Mikey got lucky. I wish I was lucky. Why don't people like me." He says as a giant crunch comes from Cal's apple.

"Shhhhhh!" Ashton and Luke shush Calum in unison. The three idiot boys glance down to see a pair of green eyes looking up at them. Long eye lashes flutter and try to blink the blurriness of sleep from them. Ashton, Calum, and Luke all grab Michael's arm (as he is still asleep) and pull him out of the bed.

"What the fuck!" He yells as his large body collides with the floor, is dragged out of the guest bedroom, down the hall, and into Luke's room because it is the cleanest out of the four Australian's rooms. Ashton slams the door and locks it behind them. Pressing his back against the door. Luke and Calum drop a sleepy and very confused Michael onto the floor. He looks up at them, his hair poking out in every direction possible.

"Okay, before you psychopaths question me, let me sit on the bed please I am a very tired child." He mumbles as he crawls up to Luke's neatly made bed.

"Can I start off with a big hand to Mikey boy for getting that sexy mama laid." Calum begins to clap his hands as Michael lets out a laugh.

"Laid. The very idea of having sex with Miranda Eve Laurel last night is both ridiculous and totally appealing at the same time." He chuckles. His three best friends look at him in complete shock and awe.

"Bro. dude. Really? Okay if you guys didn't do it up last night, why the fuck were you I don't know IN BED together?" Luke asks him

"And let me add onto that one, why would she even be here if you guys didn't need somewhere to fuck." Ashton says matter of factually.

"She needed help." Replies Michael plainly. His eyes are shut and he is half asleep up that is one of Michael's many super powers. Carrying on a complete and thought out conversation without being fully awake.

"Yeah. Help not getting laid." Calum snickers making all the boys including Michael laugh too.

"I was out for a drive late last night, I went out to a gas station for some cigarettes and there she was. She was beaten up, bloody, bruised, and completely and totally fucking beautiful." Mike sighs smiling, he stretches and his cheeks blush. His eyes are now fully open for the first time. All the boys looked at each other, then Michael, then back to each other. None of them really knew what to say to their pal. He was never the type to be emotional or share his thoughts really. This was a rare moment and none of them knew how to handle it.

Cal takes another large crunchy bite out of his apple.

"Miranda Eve Laurel, huh?" Ash says softly.

"Yeah. Miranda Eve Laurel."

The Rock Show--m.g.cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now