6.Skinny Love

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"Did we really need to see that movie? Jurassic World? Really?" Mir asks as the six friends all left the movie theater. The occasional fan coming up to the boys and asking fro pictures and autographs as they walk through the mall.

"There was nothing else to do." Calum sighs, looking down and scrolling through his twitter feed as they walk along.

"And hey, I think a character was like me." Blu chuckles and swipes her tongue across her teeth gritting them in a snarl, trying not to laugh.

"Yes fearsome Blu the Velociraptor." Luke smiles and pokes a finger into Blu's side, she jumps a little and shoots him a glare.

"Don't.You.Dare.Hemmings." She growls at him, her eyes narrowing into slits.

"Okay, yup I see how you are a man eating dinosaur. I see that." Ashton cups his face in his hands, hiding his smiles so he doesn't make Blu even more pissed off.

"Hey." Michael sighs to Mir next to him. She glances up at him, beginning to smile. He puts his arms around her shoulder to be playful, but it gave them both butterflies anyway.

"You're a dork Mikey." She laughs, trying to hide her blushing cheeks in her dimply smile. But Michael Gordon Clifford, the player, is too consumed with the zoo in his stomach to even make a comeback. Mir reaches over and interlocks her fingers with the boys hand that is hanging over her should.

"They're adorable." Luke mutters to Blu. Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Blu had all been watching the little scene between Michael and Miranda in front of them for the past few moments.

"Too bad they are suffering from no-balls-syndrome." Calum jokes.

"What do you mean?" Luke asks.

"They like eachother, but neither one is making a move or even saying anything about it." Ashton explains.

"It's called Skinny Love, you idiots." Blu glares at the three clueless boys beside her.

"Like the song?" They say in unison.

"Skinny love is when  two people love each other but are too shy to admit it but they still show it." She sighs and glances at Luke, who blushes.     

"Dude I have no one to sneakily glance at romantically pretending that nobody notices it but in actuality, everyone does!" Ashton moans to Calum, beginning to fake cry.

"Shut up Ashton!" Luke growls, smacking Ashton's stomach with the back of his hand.


"Hey Mike?" Miranda whispers to Michael who is sitting on the opposite side of the couch, strumming his guitar as the credits of a movie play on the screen. It's about 1 am and everyone else has gone to bed, and Blu went home.

"Yeah?" He turns and looks at her. She looks so small curled up in the corner of the couch, "You okay?"

"I'm fine Mikey... but... I'm just scared that my parents will find me here." She whispers, her bottom lip beginning to quiver a little. A stray tear rolls down her left cheek.

"It's gonna be fine okay? I'll be right here to take care of you. I won't let anything hurt you." Michael tells her, he puts his guitar aside and stands up, walking over to her side of the couch. She holds her arms out to him and he reaches down and scoops her up in his arms. 

"Come on, lets go to bed." He says to her, she just nods sleepily and lays her head on his chest. They go up the stairs, Mir still in Michael's arms. He lays her down gently on the bed and covers her up with the covers.

"Do you want me to stay tonight?" He asks her and she whispers a soft 'yes'. He crawls into the bed next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"Michael?" She whispers to him in the darkness. Her hand is resting on his chest.


"What are you scared of?" She asks. He hesitates.

"Losing someone I care about again. Losing you."

The Rock Show--m.g.cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now