Part 3: Weekend

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"The weekend is so sooon.,, I say exited. "Yes this week went by realy fast.,, Stacy answers. "Hey, you two, what are you talking about?,, Jungkook asks. "The weekend.,, I say. "Do you mean The weeks weekend or the Band?,, Yoongi asks. I answer that we talk about the weeks weekend. The other boys join our conversation. "I don't wanna go to dance class today.,, Jin says. Everyone is asking "why?,, at the same time so we start laughing. "I am too lazy today. Why don't we have an eating or cooking class?,, "Oh yes, I want a eating class.,, Yoongi says. "I think it's a very good idea to do dance class on friday. On friday you may be tired but if you dance you can shake up everything that's bad.,, I say and Hoseok agrees:"Yes it's realy nice to shake that all up. You can forget your anger, sadness, pain and all other things while dancing.,, "Why are you making such face Yoongi? You don't have to go to the dance lesson.,, Taehyung says. "Hyung he is always like this.,, Jungkook says and we laugh. "Hey, I've got an idea!,, Jimin says out of nowhere. "We can go to a club tonight. There we can dance and party until you drop.,, I like this idea and The boys think about it too. "I am in.,, I say. "Me too,, Hoseok and Stacy agree. "I'll join you too. Kookie come with us.,, Taehyung says and "Kookie" nods as a yes. "Okay I'll come too but I won't stay long.,, Namjoon says. Yoongi comes too and now everyone is looking at Jin with puppy eyes. "Okayyy I'll come too.,, He finnaly says and we become very happy.

Time skip after school

We are standing at the bus staiton and wait for the bus when suddenly it starts snowing. I look up and jump up and down. The others join me and so we decide to walk a little bit trough the snow. We walk till we reach the train Station. "So, when do we meet?,, I ask and Jimin replays:" Let's meet infront of the Club at 8 pm ok?,, Everyone agrees and so I wait for the bus with Hoseok,Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. The others have to take the train. "Hey, guys!,, I shout "What happend Y/N?,, Taehyung looks at me. "I just remember that a friend from me has a part time job as dj! He plays in the Club where we go tonight and maybe we come in for free!,, The other are enthusiastic. "Realy?!,, Jimin asks in exitmend. "Maybe. I'll call him quick.,, I say and with that I take out my mobile and call him. "Hello?,, "Hey Prime, me and my friends are going to the Club your playing in tonight. I want to ask you if you can do something with the Entrance prices.,, "Umm yes ofcurse, when do you come with your friends?,, He asks "We meet there at 8 pm.,, "Okay that sounds good. I play at 8:30 so I'll come a bit earlier to prepare myself. I'll just join you.,, He says. "Thankyou so much. Iove youuuu.,, I say gratefully. "I know. So how much people come?,, I tell him:"Togheter we are 9 persons and with you 10.,, "Okay, that will fit.,, "Did I tell you that I love you?♡,, I ask and he laughs. "See you then.,, "Yes, see you.,, We end the call and tell the others what we discussed. "Why did you say you love him?,, Hoseok asks and laughs. "Because it's the truth. I mean I love him as a very good friend.,, "The bus comes!,, Jungkook tells us, so we go inside.

Time Skip at the Club

Everyone has arrived and now Prime comes. "Heyyyy,, I say and hug him. He compliments:"Wow, you look pretty.,, "Thankyou,, I say. "Let's go inside!,, Jimin says exited. Prime Talks with the bodyguards infront of the Club and waves us to him. Everyone gets an orange bracelet. We go inside and the Mood is awesome in here. "I go backstage now and prepare myself.,, Prime says. We say good luck and with that he goes. "I want a drink!,, I say "I take one too.,, Yoongi says We go to the bar and order a drink. "I pay,, Yoongi says and so we drink our Drink. Hoseok is dancing like there's no end. Now Prime comes up and the mood is getting much more wild. I go and dance with the others. I dance and cheer the most for Prime. He sees me and laughs at my action. I look at Yoongi who is sitting at the bar and orders a second drink. I go to Namjoon and ask him: "Hey, how much alcohol Yoongi can tolerate ?,, "Not so much. Why?,, He asks. "He just finished his second drink. That's why I'm asking.,, "I'll talk with him. Maybe he comes dancing.,, Namjoon says. I nod and go dancing again. "Hey, would you like a drink?,, Jimin asks me, I agree and so we go to the bar. "How much alcohol can you drink?,, He asks "I realy don't know. To be honest I never drunk bevor.,, I say. Jimin replays:"One drink will fit or?,, "Yes, ofcurse,, We take a drink and I have to say. They are real Gentleman. Jimin pays and we sit down. We talk a bit till Stacy comes. "What a nice mood!,, She says and looks so happy while talking. "I'll go to Namjoon. Maybe I am lisle big drunk buttt it doesn't matter!,, She says and walks away "straight" to Namjoon. I'm watching them both, she takes him away from Yoongi and talks with Namjoon. "What do you think they're talking about?,, Jimin asks and I say:"I know exactly what she says. But belive me I won't tell you.,, I laugh and add "Girls things,, Jimin looks confused and I just watch Namjoon and Stacy. Suddenly he lays his fingers at her mouth and hugs her. She hugs him back and smiles as hell. I'm about to freak out and want to scream but I'll let it be. Jimin is even more confused now and he looks so cute. Taehyung joins us and we talk. Finnaly Hoseok stops dancing and comes out of breath to us. "Hey, Hoseok enough dancing?,, I ask and he replays:"No never! I am just taking a drink. Do you want a drink too?,, "Why not? Today we party!,, And so he orders two drinks and we toast. "To the evening!,, Hoseok says. We finnish our Drink and suddenly he bows infront of me like a prince and says:"May I dance with you princess?,, He says and looks straight in my eyes. My heart is beading fast and I blush. "Yes, ofcurse...,, I say, take his hand and try to play it cool. Togheter we dance and Prime shouts:"Say Heeey!,, And everyone does. He continues:" Say, hey hey hey!,, So Hoseok and me shout with everyone:"Hey hey hey!,, The mood is the best ever and now he plays a remix from Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and mix it with Smooth criminal. I see Jungkook making the Moon walk and aplaud him. He bows, walks to Taehyung and pulls him to the dance Area. I get tired so I tell Hoseok that I go to a table and sit down there. I sit down and look around. A man is starring at me and I try to ignore him but he comes to me and asks:"Hey, beauty are you alone? I can take care of you.,, He comes closer and I stand up walking backwards. Suddenly I can't walk back more cause there's a wall behind me. He comes closer and his face is close to mine. He looks in my eyes and takes my face in his hands. I try to push him but he doesn't let me go. "Hey, don't move!,, Someone says behind the man and pulls him away from me. "Don't you see I am busy?!,, The man asks. "I see, but be busy woth another girl!,, He shouts "Why would I do that? I mean look at her.,, The man says turns around to me and licks his lips. "Hey! Don't Touch or look at her again!,, "And why would I do that?,, "She's my Girlfriend.,, The boy says and so the man runs away. The boy comes to me and now I see it's Hoseok. I run to him and hug him thight. "Thankyou so much Hoseok.,, I say and he pats my head. "I was scared too.,, He says and laughs. "Let's go to the bar and sit down for a while.,, He says and we go to the bar. Stacy comes to us with Namjoon and Yoongi. "We gotta go, it's time.,, Namjoon says and we say goodbye to each other. The three go and Jin joins them. So there are only Jimin,Taehyung,Jungkook, Hoseok and me left. Jimin comes to us while Jungkook and Tae still dance. "Hey, you ok?,, He asks me. Hoseok answers for me:"Give her a bit time. She needs a break.,, Jimin sits on my right and holds my hand. I look at him trying not to blush but I bet I failed. We three take another drink, dance till Prime is done and make ourselfs ready to go home. I can't walk properly anymore and so I cling to Jimin and Hoseok. We don't want to take the bus so we walk. "What's the time?,, Jungkook asks. Taehyung shows him his mobile "What?!,, He shouts. "What? What's the time?,, I ask. It's midnight Prime tells me. "Guys, stop please. I can't walk anymore.,, I say and Prime comes towards me and takes me bridgal style. Everyone is quiet and we or they just walk. "I don't wanna go home.,, I say in drunk. "Come to my home. My parents aren't there this weekend.,, Hoseok says from behind. I just agree with a thumb up. After a while Prime puts me down and leaves me with Hoseok. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung go another way and we say goodbye. "Hoseok?,, I ask "Yes?,, "Maybe I am drunk and don't remember this tomorow but I love you.,, He continues walking and smiles. "I know.,, I guess he didn't take it serious. We reach his home. I take off my jacket and shoes and he shows me a room where I can sleep. "Hoseok!,, I shout. "Yes, don't shout I'm here.,, "I need my movile. I have so text my moma.,, He laughs and brings my mobile. "Can you frite for me?,, I ask "Yes ofcurse,, "Frite, hey mum, I sleep at friends house. I tell you more tomourow.,, He sends the message and puts my phone on silent. "Sleep with me,, I say and he looks shocked at me. "Omg I don't mean do it with me. I mean sleep by my sideee.,, I say. "Oooh,, He says and finnaly agrees. He lays down beside me and I hug him. "Thankyou for everything.,, I say and fall asleep.

So, that's it for today. It's a longer part but I hope you had fun while reading. Ok see you tomorow 4 part 4. 😂💜💜💜

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