Part 13: Nicknames for everyone

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It's now the first march, two weeks after my date with Hoseok. Since then we stayed as friends but everytime we talk to each other I feel that there is somthing between us. We talk more shy and smile everytime we see each other. Right now is the last lesson for today. If I don't count the dancing lesson. But sadly I have math right now and my thougst are somwhere else. Suddenly Jimin lays his hand on my shoulder and I come back to reality. "This Note  is for you,, Jimin says while holding a little paper in his other hand. I look at the note and there stands 'why so lost? Are you ok?' I write down 'I am ok, just happy that school is over soon' I give the note back to Jimin who gives it to Hoseok. But he doesn't look at it. He passes it on to Jin who is now sitting next to Hoseok cause he can focus there more. I realy don't know how Jin made it to convince the teacher to sit next to Hoseok. Jin now looks at the paper and writes down somthing. They give the note to me again and I read 'Ok, but if you need anything or if you want to talk, you know I am here for you ;)' I smile and write 'I'll let you know if I want to talk. Thanks :)' and give it to Jimin who gives the note to Hoseok and Hoseok to Jin. He reads and now looks at me while nodding his head. I look briefly at Hoseok, who already suspected that I would look at him. He smirks a bit and I look away trying to hide my blushing face. "Hoseok did you listen? Or is it more important to look at Y/N?,, The teacher says now and our classmates start whispering a bit. Hoseok directly replays:"No, I was listening. The answer is 13,56.,, The teacher nods impressed "Well, that's right. Good job.,, She says with a smile and writes down the answer. I am also impressed just like the others. "I didn't know that Hoseok is such a genius,, I whisper to Jimin. "He, was always like this. It seems like he is listening with one ear while the other one is sleeping.,, And now we're both giggling. After a few more minutes the lesson ends and we have a 10 min. break. We just use it to go to the dancing room. Taehyung and Jungkook walk infront of Jimin and Hoseok. I walk behind them with Jin. 'Are you lost again?,, Jin asks and I replay:"No, just enjoy the view and I don't mean Hoseok.,, Hoseok now turns around and asks:"What about me?,, Jin answers:"Y/N likes to look at you.,, He says cheekily. Hoseok just laughs and continues talking with Jimin. "Jin! Why did you say that?,, I ask slightly angry and softly slap his head. "You know I like teasing you. You look cute when you're angry.,, He pats my head. Now we arrive at the dance room and like always we are the first ones. We ho inside and I look at them playing around and decide to give them nicknames. Instead of Taehyung I'll say Tae and Jungkook gets kookie. Like Tae called him ones. Jin Stays as Jin because this is already a nickname. Jimin gets the nickname Jimin-a or Jimin-ssi. But I can't decide a nickname for Hoseok. I wave at Jin telling him to come to me and so he does. "Yes, Y/N?,, He asks cute. "I am thinking about a nickname for Hoseok but I don't know what a good nickname is for him.,, I say. Jin thinks for a moment and then says:"What about Hope? You know he is always like our last hope in the group. When we give up a choreo he helps us with everything and gives us hope.,, I think about this and say:" What about Hobi? That's so cute and still conected with hope.,, Jin agrees and I thank him for help with a hug. "Y/N, by the way, why did you search for a nickname?,, He asks and I say:" You know, I made nicknames for everyone of you. I call you Jin witch is already a nickname and then I wanted to give everyone a nickname.,, Jin looks interest. "What are the nicknames of the others?,, He asks and I count up:" Taehyung is Tae now and for Jungkook I took Kookie because Tae ones called him like this. Jimin is Jimin-ssi or Jimin-a. I am not so sure. Yes and Hoseok is Hobi.,, He nods and says:"That's realy cute of you.,, He pats my head. Now the teacher and the rest of the students comes in. We start the warm up and go to our dance partner. "What did you and Jin talk about?,, Hobi asks and I say:"We thought of a nickname for you and ended up with Hobi.,, and he says:"Awww, that's so cute of you. Why did you think about nicknames?,, I tell him the same I told Jin already and tell him the nicknames of the others. "Okay students, we will continue with the basic steps today.,, Our teacher says and shows us again a step so we remember better. After this the whole class tryies to do the steps again and with Hobis help I remember the dance even more. He could be a dance teacher too. After the dance lesson we walk to the bus again and I tell the others about their nickname. Jimin says he likes Jimin-ssi more and so I'll call him Jimin-ssi from now on. "Hey, Tae,, I say and he turns around so we can walk togheter. "Can we practice trumpet today? I realy could need that.,, I say and he nods:" Yes, why not? But you have to get your trumpet bevor.,, I think a while and then say:"We can go to my home and get my trumpet. Then we can go to the bus and practice in your home because your trumpet is at you home, I guess.,, He agrees and I hug him for a thankyou. "When does the bus come?,, Kookie asks. I want to answer but Tae is faster. "The bus comes in 2 minutes.,, An idea plops in my mind and I say:"Hey, what about JK? JK is such a good nickname for you.,, Tae asks:"You mean for Jungkook, right?,, I roll my eyes and say:" Yes, ofcurse for Jungkook.,, Jungkook agrees. Finnaly the bus comes. We go in and sit down. Jin,JK and Hobi go out after 3 stops and walk to the underground. Now Jimin sits next to me and Tae infront of us. "When do you have to exit?,, Jimin asks. "I exit after 12 stops.,, I say relaxed but Tae and Jimin are shocked. "Wow, I never knew you have such a long way.,, Tae says. After 5 more stops Jimin exit and Tae sits next to me now. "I am exited to see your home.,, Tae says cute. "It's not so big. It's a basic Apartment.,, He nods and after 15 minutes we reach my stop and exit. "We have to walk a bit.,, I say and so we start walking. "How long do you usually walk?,, I think and say:"It can take 10 min. But if we walk fast it's just 5 or 6 minutes. I quickly text my mum. Ok?,, Tae nods and I tell my mum that Tae is with me to get my trumpet, so we can learn togheter. She sees it and just writes 'okay' "My mum is home already, so you will meet her. If that's ok.,, I say "Yes, ofcurse it's ok. I think it's really cool to meet your mother.,, Tae says exited. After a few more minutes we reach my home. We go upstairs and I open the door. "Helloooo,, I say and we enter my home. My mum comes from right and hugs me. "Hi, so this is Taehyung yes?,, She says and looks at him. "Nice to meet you.,, mum says and shakes his hand. "I get my trumpet quickly.,, I say, walk to my room and leave my backpack there. I get my trumpet and already hear my mum saying:"I thought I would meet that Hoseok first.,, I roll my eyes and shout:" Mum! Could you please let it be?,, I go back to them with my trumpet. "My mum was like this too.,, Tae says "She was?,, I ask. "Yes, but I told her that she should stop and she's trying her best.,, Now I understand and say:" Ohhh, It sounded like your mum is... umm you know.,, He looks confused but seems to understand now. "No, I didn't mean it like this.,, He laughs "Maybe you can give me some hints to stop my mum too. Whatever, we should go now.,, I say and Tae agrees. We say goodbye and leave. "I am sorry about my mum.,, I say annoyed. "Doesn't matter. Ofcurse she thought she will meet Hoseok first.,, He smiles. "Heyy, what should that mean?,, "That should mean that she exepted to meet your crush bevor she meets me.,, Tae says cheekily. "Haha, so funny.,, I roll my eyes and we continue walking. Ones we arrive at his home we go to his room. "Tae, why your parents never are home?,, I ask curious. "They have a job in the afternoon. They work in the same job and they always come home very late.,, He explains. I just nod and we start playing and having a nice time.

Hey guys, that's it for the weekend and I realy hope you liked it. Byeee

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