Part 16: the secret

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I wake up with sun in my eyes. I smile thinking of yesterday night. Just now I realise that Hobi isn't in the bed anymore and that my mum doesn't know where I am. So I first text my mum and tell her that I was with Hoseok. I put my phone away and take my clothes from the floor while I try not to stand up. I dress myself and I guess now I have to stand up. I sit on the bed and stand up. I stand for 2 seconds but notice that my legs are shaking and hurting a bit. I sit down again and ask myself why I can't stand. I try to stand up again but this time I fall on the bed after trying. Now Hobi comes in and I look at him. I blush seeing that he doesn't wear a Shirt. "Hey, did you sleep well?,, He asks cute. I answer:"Yes, but I can't stand up.,, He suddenly smirks and I ask him:"Why are you looking like that?,, "Well, I guess it's my fault that you can't stand properly.,, And now he sits next to me and pats my head. "It's annoying not being able to stand.,, I pout. He smiles at me and strokes my cheek with his again cold hand. "I'll bring the breakfast here.,, He says and I nod for yes. He goes out of the room and I take my mobile.
Hoseok POV:
I go out of the room and go down to the kitchen. It feels nice knowing that Y/N is up there in my bed. It's a nice feeling to know that the girl I love is with me. I quickly get my mobile from a table and text in the group chatt.
Me: Guys, how can I tell Y/N the secret?
Jimin: Come on J-Hope, we talked about it.
Me:Yes, but it's so hard to tell her. What if somthing between us changes than? :(
Yoongi: Really? I don't think so.
Taehyung: Yes, me and Tae are the same opinion.
Me: You and Taehyung?
Taehyung: Oh yes, it's me jk
RM: Not again guys. Jungkook just use your own mobile.
Taehyung: Don't worry, Tae is with me and he allowed me to take his mobile.
Me: Guys, please help me...
Jin: Ok, enough. J-Hope go and tell her. jk use your mobile and stop discussing here. I lost the round of my Computer game thanks to you!
Jimin: Why don't you turn off the sound of your mobile?
Jin: Because I was playing. How can I switch my phone on silent when my both hands are busy?
Jungkook: With your nose hahaha
Jin: at least you use your phone now
Jungkook: No it's me. Tae
Taehyung: Yes, Tae uses my mobile now
Namjoon: Stop it! This is too confusing. Use your own mobile. Please...
Taehyung: Ok, I got my phone. It's me now.
Jungkook: Yup
Me: Ok, nice
Me: Now please tell me how I can explain Y/N the secret.
Jimin: Just tell her the truth. Tell the Story that happend.
Namjoon: It's not easy for anyone of us
Taehyung: Maybe she knows someone who liked us back then.
Jin: Yes, this would be crazy and so nice to know if we still have fans.
Me: Ok, I go and tell her now. Thanks guys ♥︎

With that I put my phone away and bring the breakfast to Y/N. I open the door and Y/N sits in the bed looking at me. "Is everything alright Hobi?,, She asks and I nod for a yes. I sit down next to her and we start eating. While I eat I think about how to tell her. We finnish and I put away the stuff. I breath in and out slowly. "Y/N, there is somthing I have to tell you. It's complicated and may confuse you.,, She looks curious but also scared of what is comming next. I continue:"I tell you a Story. Long time, about 150 years ago there was a band. A Kpop band. In this times there were vampires and Werewolves also. This band was in the begining of their time. They already had a few fans and grew togheter as a group. The vampires were the biggest enemy of the humans and one day a vampire 'killed' a member of the group. He was only 19 years old but the oldest of the group and the others stoped making music in sadness. Not even a year later the second one was killed also. He was 19 too. He just turned 19 the year he was killed. And the same happend with the third guy but he was 18. Only 4 other members were left. The police tried their best to protect them. But what nobody knew, they weren't death. The three members who were killed lived as vampires. The vampires decided to let the group live as vampires also. They waited for every member to turn 18 and turned them into vampires then. The last one had to wait for a long time. He became depression and started drinking with 17 years. The other members always watched him and were sad that they couldn't help.One night, one of them secretly went to the youngest member. He told him everything that happend and brought him to the vampires. The youngest understood everything and was happy to see the group again. He waited till he was 18 and became a vampire too. No one ever got to know about this and the humans thought they are dead. The vampires decided to keep their existence as a secret and the group who were 'killed' by them. They hypnotized the humans to forget about them and today they count as fantasy. Till now. That's also the reason why my body is so cold, why our parents are never home. We- We are-,, Y/N cuts me of "You are vampires.,, She says shoked. Y/N POV:
I was shoked by hearing this. Now everything make sense. A tear runs down his face and I hug him thight. "Hobi, I guess I have to tell you something now too.,, I say quiet and let him go again. I continue:" I love vampires.,, I say with a wide smile. Now he is the one who looks shocked. "I always told my mum, imagine my boyfriend will be a vampire and when I was in class 7/8 I always acted like a vampire.,, I smile at him. "Wow, I never thought that someone could like vampires this much.,, Hobi continues:"I guess your mum wants to meet me some day and please don't tell her about the vampires. Namjoon don't want other people to know about us.,, I nod for a yes and say:"I guess I can't tell Stacy and May too. Right?,, He nods for yes. "I understand. I promise to not tell anyone till I am allowed to.,, and we do a pinky promise. We hug again and I just feel save with him. We let go and I take my mobile. To check my messages. As I exept I got over 5 messages from my mum a few from my group chatt with Stacy and May and ofcurse the boys texted me too. I look at every message and at last but not at least the message from Tae. He congrats me like everyone and I text him back.
Me:Hey Tae, thanks
Me: I already know that you guys are vampires and now I understand why you didn't like the theme vampires. I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable this time.
Tae: Hy, don't worry. I was just shoked that you cuold've know about vampires.
Me: Yeah I understand
Me: Anyways happy easter holidays
Tae: Thanks, you too :)

I go out from WhatsApp and notice that Hoseok is trying to look at my mobile from behind. I click on my camera make a black foto and write 'I know your watching me Hobi' I make sure he reads it and turn off my mobile. I turn around and he smiles at me. "How did you know I'm watching you?,, I giggle and say:"That's a secret.,, and we cuddle togheter.

So, that's it for today. I will post an end part tomorow. See ya'll byeee
Borahae ♥︎

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