Part 12: The date

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Today is the day. Today is the date with Hoseok. May,Stacy and Taehyung are at my home to help me choosing a dress. Actually I already had a good Outfit but the wheather decided to be against my date. "You devenitive have to wear pants under your skirt.,, May says. While she takes out pants and Stacy replays:"She neeeds a cute Cardigan too. Maybe it's cold in the Restaurant.,, Taehyung now says:"Yes, but it has to fit with the dress or with the pants. Not with both.,, All three of them are now on or better half inside my Wadrobe taking and throwing things out. I laugh at the view but they just continue with scurrying around. "Do you want to wear makeup?,, Taehyung asks but I shake my head. I actually never wear makeup. He now continues with... I don't know what he is doing there... After 15 minutes the three of them compiled a beautiful outfit. It's an Wine Red dress that goes to my knees and matches with my blue eyes. With the thight, light brown pants under it, a light brown Cardigan and a beautifull hairstyle. "I am so exited. Please catch me if I fall.,, I say. "Don't worry. I will catch you.,, Taehyung says cute. "Let's do a group hug bevor I go.,, I say and the three of them hug me. Stacy says:"You will rock it and if not Hoseok will.,, We laugh and I hug Taehyung one more time because it was his idea to create a new Outfit. It's now 7:55 pm and they bring me to the door, my mum hugs me too and says goodbye. The other three go home and I walk to the street looking for Hoseok. He directly comes with his car. He already has a driver lisence. He greeds me and I go inside. We decided to go to the Restaurant with car cause it's a little further away. He drives to the Restaurant and on the way we talk and smile much. We arrive and walk inside. When I saw what is inside I became realy suprised. There was actually, no one and Rose petals are on the ground leading the way to our table, beautifull lights are there too. I get tears in my eyes and hug Hoseok thight. He hugs me back and I say:"Hoseok, it's so beautifull.,, I say quiet. I hold back my tears and let go. He smiles bright and says:"I am so glad you like it. I put much love and time into it.,, "Yeah, I can see that. It's so awesome.,, I say impressed. We walk to our table and sit down. The waiter comes to us and asks:"What do you want to drink?,, Hoseok answers:"We would like two Sprites.,, He smiles. "What is your favorite food?,, He asks. "I love Pizza but also Kebab. Greek salad is also delicious, but without tomatoes.,, We enjoy our date and when we finnish we walk out togheter. "Hoseok, this was realy the greatest day in my life.,, "For me too and if you want, we can make this night longer. It doesn't have to end here.,, He says with a fun, flirty face. "What do you have in mind?,, I ask. "Do you like singing?,, He asks and I nod for a yes. We get in his car and he drives to a little Club. We go inside and I see it's a karaoke Club. "Wow, how cool,, I say "Let me tsje your jacket.,, He says and brings our jackets to a save place. I first go to the bar to give myself some courage. I order a drink and Hoseok comes to me. "Already drinking?,, He asks and I roll my eyes but laugh. "Do you want a Drink too?,, He nods and I order a second Drink. We drink togheter and go to the dance floor. Hoseok already shows his best dance moves matching to the Song. The two guys are singing 'Blood on the dance floor' by Michael Jackson. I am little shy and just dance in tiny. Hoseok sees me and says:"Don't be shy. Everyone here is dancing anything. You can do it too. Let the music control your body.,, He comes closer to my ear and says quietly:"Just dance,, and I don't know why but it seems so familar to somthing. I heard this somewhere bevor. I can't remember where or when so I just try to forget it and start dancing. It's getting a bit more quiet over the night and now a girl with her friend, maybe even her boyfriend, sings 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeren. Wow, now the love Songs begin. I look at Hoseok who is already trying to get eye contact with me. "Shall we?,, He asks and I just nod. We start dancing slowly to the music. While we dance I feel like I am on cloud 7 and get butterflies in my stomach. Everything feels perfect and I feel save while dancing in his arms. The Song comes to it's end and everyone applauds the Singers. They were realy good. They announce that they will sing one more Song. This time it is 'Thinking out loud' again by Ed Sheeren. Hoseok pulls me closer to him so we dance slowly again. He takes my face in his one hand and makes me look at him. I blush so hard and now the part comes where the two sing:"Kiss me under the lights of a thousand stars.,, And so Hoseok does and kisses me soft. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. We let go after a while and I look down so he doesn't see me blushing. The two finnish their Song and I say:"D- do you want to walk a bit outside?,, He nods and says:" Yes, wait here. I get our jackets.,, I nod and after two minutes he come back with our jackets. We go outside in the fresh air. I breath in and out slowly and notice that Hoseok is doing the same at same time. We start laughing when we both notice this. Hoseok now asks:"In wich direction you want to go?,, I say "left,, and so we do. We talk and after a few minutes we reach a little Park. We sit down on a bank and we can see the moon. I lean on his shoulder and say:"This was truly the best night in my entire life.,, Hoseok smiles and says:"I am realy happy that you enjoyed this night as much as me.,, He lays his one arm on my shoulder. We watch the stars and the moon and have a little conversation too. "I feel realy safe with you.,, I say and I can see that he is blushing a bit. "Hey, what time is it now?,, I ask exited. He takes out his phone and it's 11:30 pm. I smile bright and ask:"What is one thing you always wanted to do on your birthday?,, He thinks and replays:"I've always wanted to celebrate my birthday like, that I'm still awake at midnight with my friends and we're celebrating together.,, I kod my head and take my mobile out. I text Stacy and May to meet at Hoseoks house as fast as they can. I do the same with Taehyung and ask if the others are still awake. He says yes and I tell they should bring some birthday decoration to Hoseoks house. "Ok, let's go Hoseok.,, He looks confused so I just take his hand and start running to his car. We get in and I say:"Deive to your house fast. I have a suprise.,, He does as I say and drives hime quick. Jimin is waiting there already when we arrive. I go out of the car and greet him. "Hey, Jimin. I want to hug you but it won't work with this Pinata in your arms.,, Hoseok just greets him and opens the door. We three go inside and Jimin says:" Hey Y/N come here. Here is the "secret" room in his house.,, Jimin points at a wall under the Stairs. I push the wall and see a big big room. "There's even furniture in here. Wow,, I say exited. The door bell rings and Hoseok let's the next ones in. Jimin turns on the lights for this room and it looks awesome. Here is much space, chairs to sit down and even a couch. Taehyung comes in with party decoration. "Hi Taehyung. So nice to bring the party stuff.,, I greed him. We three start to decorate and hang the pinata inside the room. Time by time everyone comes and helps to decorate. Somtimes one person goes outside to Hoseok because he has to wait till we are done. We even have a disco ball and colorful lights to illuminate the disco ball. Jimin turns off the normal light ans Jin turns on the color light. It looks awesome. "I'll get some Snacks. Jungkook could you help me?,, He agrees and we get Snacks, bowls and drinks. Yoongi makes the party playlist togheter with Namjoon. The two even brought a loudspeaker with them. Everything is dine and I say:" Okay guys. We are done and it's one minute bevor midnight. We did a great job. I get Hoseok in and then we will sing for him.,, Everyone agrees and I go outside to Jimin and Hoseok and tell them to come inside. As we come in everyone including me and Jimin start singing happy birthday. Hoseok even cries a little bit while smiling so hard and I try not to cry too. We all applaud after singing and give Hoseok a group hug. He then says: "Thankyou all so much for making my dream become true. It's realy touching that you guys spontaneous came over to celebrate my birthday at midnight with me. A special thanks to Y/N who made this night even more better then it already was. Thankyou for everything.,, He looks looks to me and I hug him again. "Let's get the party started!,, Jungkook shouts and Yoongi starts the playlist. We celebrate his birthday and I know I will remember this night forever.

That's it for today. Thankyou for reading my fanfiction and see ya'll soon byeeee.

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