Part 17:All questions gone

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It's Thursday the 28th March. Hobi and me are on the way to a special dorm. He didn't tell me anything more, just that it is a dorm from the 7 boys. I still wonder how they can own such a big dorm, but I guess they saved lots of money over the years. "Hobi, what was the name of the Band you were?,, I ask but he just replays with:" You will get to know everything today. We will answer all your questions.,,  Ofcurse my mum wants to meet Hobi too. But on Saturday, at 3pm. It's now 11:55 am. We already walked for a long time. We went downhill first,then Uphill, left and right. This dorm is a bit appart from the City. Somwhere, where no one can find it that easy. I guess they like secret places. After 5 more minutes Hobi says:"Here it is.,, And we stand infront of a big house. Here is no other house then this. Just a garage. Hobi takes out his keys and opens the door. "Guys, I am home.,, He says like this is his allday. We go inside and a exited Taehyung runs towards us. He hugs Hobi and then me. Suddenly jk stands behind Tae and greets us also. Jin comes from the left and Namjoon from right. Jimin also comes from right but from upstairs and so the tired Yoongi does. We all greet each other and I think about that they are vampires the whole time. This is so cool. I am in a house of vampires. "Y/N, guys, let's go to the kitchen. I made food.,, Jin says and everyone follows Jin in the kitchen. They have a part where they cook and a part where they eat. Like the kitchen is two different zones. They even have a sofa around the table, so everyone sits comfortable. Ofcurse the sofa is not complete around the table. On one side there is no sofa. We all sit down and Jin brings the food. Next to me, on my right, is Hobi and next to him is Jin. On my left is Tae and next to him jk. Next to jk is Jimin and then comes Yoongi and then Namjoon. We eat and talk a bit. I have to say Jin's food is the best I've ever ate. We finnish and jk says:"Let's go in the living room. You can then ask us everything and we will tell you everything.,, The others agree and we go to the living room. The living room is underneth their sleeping rooms. Next to the stairs is a door and there the living room is. It's bright and you can look into the garden from the windows. We sit in a Circle on a sofa, chairs but jk and Tae just want to sit on the ground with a pillow. We make ourselfs comfortable and I sit on the sofa ofcurse. "I have my first question already.,, I say exited and Namjoon says:"Then ask. We will tell you everything you want to know.,, He smiles cute and I start asking:"What was your band name?,, Namjoon answers:"BTS, or Bangtansonyeondan. Short just Bangtan boys or Bulletproof boy scouts.,, I nod and ask:"What were your stage names? Is it maybe J-Hope for Hobi?,, Jin now says:"Yes, that's the reason I called him J-Hope. It's a habit to call us by our stage name.,, Jimin now says:" Yes, my stage name is easy. Just Jimin. Jungkook is jk, Yoongi is Suga or when he is solo, AgustD. Taehyung is V or somtimes Tae. Namjoon is RM, Jin is Jin and yeah J-Hope.,, I like the stage names and now continue asking. "I think I heard it somwhere already. The names seem so familar. Did you have ships? Like the other Kpop groups?,, Now everyone looks at Tae and jk and Tae starts telling:" Yes, me and kookie were the 'power cupple' in bts. We got to know that the Armys are shipping us after we became vampires.,, He says a bit sad. Jk continues:"We knew they were shiping us. But we didn't know that some of them thought of us as a real cupple. We fell in love when we were very young. We liked each other from the first moment but we fell in love in the age of 16 and 17. It was new to be in love and it was so hard for me when I thought that Tae is dead. I was alone. Without the others I felt empty and yes, started drinking. I was so happy when Tae came to me to explain everything that happend. I saw the others again and waited to become a vampire too.,, I see that a tear runs down Tae's face so I stand up and hug him. Jungkook says from the side:"It's alright Tae. We are togheter now.,, I let go and jk comforts him. "Sorry, I didn't want to cry or ruin the mood.,, Tae says shy and smiles again. "So you are the youngest, jk? And Tae is the vampire that told the youngest member everything. Right Hobi?,, I say proud and he nods for a yes. "Who is the oldest? Yoongi or Jin? You never told me.,, I ask curious. Jk smiles evil and says:"Jin Hyung is the oldest. He is 168 years old.,, He laughs with Tae. "Stop making jokes about my age!,, Jin says angry. "Ya, Hyung, don't let yourself be annoyed. That's what jk wants.,, Namjoon says calming Jin down a bit. "Then Jin and Yoongi are only two who were 'killed' when they were 19?,, I ask and the others nod for yes. "Ok, I have a maybe weird question.,, I say. "Then ask. I will answer it.,, Yoongi says relaxed. "Ok, did you guys ever did it? I mean you live so long. Maybe you have tried it.,, I say shy and blush hard. Yoongi just says:"I didn't. Jimin didn't, RM didn't, Jin didn't, Jk and Tae did and I don't know if you did it with Hoseok already.,, Hobi and me look at each other and blush hard. "No! You guys did!,, Jk shouts loud and everyone becomes shocked. "Hoseok, really? As soon as she is your Girlfriend your doing this to her?,, Jin asks still shocked. "Hey, I was carefull. I held myself back ok?,, Hobi says a little angry and looks disappointed at the others. "Guys, this is a bit embarrasing for me.,, I say and Jimin says:"We should continue with asking and answering.,, Trying to save me but the others continue argueing. "You know you are a vampire. What if you hurt her?,, Tae says and Namjoon agrees with:"Yes, or what if you accidentally bite her?,, Jk now says:"What if you bite her and can't stop? You will kill her!,, Hobi is angry and shouts:"And what does that matter to you? This is my private life and you have no business interfering in it!,, Jin gets annoyed and answers:"And what if we just care about Y/N?,, I've had enough! I look at Jimin and tell him with a look to get out of the room. We stand up and go out leaving the others speechless behind us. We go outside and one second later we hear the others conplaining. Jimin closes the door and Yoongi quickly gets out of there. Togheter we three stand infront of the door and I say:"Is the room soundproof?,, Yoongi nods for yes and now says:"Let's go in my room. I don't want to stand here.,, We go upstairs and I look around. The rooms are next to each other. 4 rooms on the left side and 4 rooms on the right. "Why you have 8 rooms here? You are just 7.,, I ask. "One room is the guest room. I don't know why we have it.,, Jimin says and giggles a bit. "I want to get something from my room. You two can go. I'm comming after.,, Jimin explains and Yoongi nods for yes. "Can I come with you?,, I ask Jimin and he agrees. We go into his room and Yoongi goes in his own room. We enter Jimin's room and it's big and comfortable. Not really messy, just a red jacket on the ground. "Are all room like this?,, I ask and he answers:"The size is the same and the shape too but in the rooms opposite it is just a mirror imag. Ofcurse we all have a different style for our rooms.,, I nod and look around a bit. I take the red jacket and ask:"This jacket looks really cool. Where do you have this from?,, He looks at me and smiles. "This jacket is from the time we were a band. I wore it for a performance of my Song Filter. I don't know why it's laying here.,, "Wow, that sounds nice. Can you please wear the jacket for me?,, I ask again and look at him with puppy eyes. "Ok, I wear it.,, He says and I quickly take out my mobile. I search the Song Filter by Jimin and start playing it as soon as Jimin wears the jacket. He looks at me when he recognise the Song. He comes towards me and sits down on his bed. I sit next to him and we listen to the Song. It ends and I say:"Wow, Jimin-ssi, you were flirty.,, And we giggle. An idea plops in my mind and I say:"Do you still can dance it?,, He shrugs his shoulder and tells me to play the Song again. I do and he dances it for me. I blush when he looks at me with his flirty look. He finnish the dance and I applaud. "It felt good dancing to this again. I nearly forgot how it feels.,, He says happy. "I have to say I am a fan already.,, and he smiles more hearing this. I hum the melody a little because I don't know the lyrics. "That's a really awesome Song. I can't get it out of my head I guess.,, "That's cute of you. I am very happy that you like the Song this much. I didn't know I missed dancing it this much.,, He says pensive. "Jimin, I can't get over this flirty look of you.,, I say and he replays with:"Yeah, I guess this is my 'Jimin efect'.,, Someone knocks on the door and comes in. "Guys, can you come back in the living room? We calmed down now.,, Jungkook says and we go back. We sit on the sofa and Jin says:"Sorry that we made you feel uncomfortable. We won't ask anything about your sexual life anymore. Just if you want to tell us.,, "Yeah, we know that J-Hope will take care.,, Namjoon says guilty. "It's alright guys. I akeep your apology ofcurse.,, I say and remember somthing. I again start talking:"Hey! I remember my mum once said somthing about bts.,, And now everyone is quiet, looking at me. "Really?,, Jimin and jk say at same time.
"Yeah, she listened to a Song of you but I ignored it cause I didn't know about you.,, I say and start singing the Song. "That's Boy in luv.,, Hobi says exited. "How often did you hear this Song?,, Yoongi asks. I say:"Just one time. It was 2 or 3 weeks ago.,, They are speechless and Yoongi now asks:"You heard it one time and still know the lyrics and melody?,, I shrug my shoulder and say:"I don't know if this is the right lyrics but it sounded like this. I want to ask my mum about you and see what she says.,, They agree and we continue talking a bit till it's getting dark outside and Hobi brings me back home. We stand infront of the Staircase door and he says:"I won't come up to your Apartment. Let's say goodbye here.,, I nod for yes because I understand why. We hug and he gives me a kiss on my cheek and goes. As no one is around he uses his vampire speed and I am suprised how fast he is.

That's it for today and not the end yet. I will see ya'll next Saturday. Bye :)

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