Part 18: future plans, the end

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Yesterday was nice. I finnaly know about bts and even started to listen to their Songs. They made really nice music. Today my mum will finnaly meet Hobi. I am so exited and I also hope he comes on time. We invited him for 1 pm. I look at the clock and shout:"He will come in 10 minutes.,, Ofcurse my mum and me prepared a little bit to eat. I want him to feel good here. The 10 minutes went by fast and he rings the bell at exactly 1 pm.
Hoseok POV:
I am very exited to meet Y/N's mum. I hope she remembers to not talk about vampires, but I trust her. I stand infront of the Staircase door and now ring. They open the door and I go up to her Apartment. Y/N and me decided that she can live with me when she turns 18. We want to tell her mum about this and ask if she agrees. I really hope so. Y/N opens the door and I hug her. Ofcurse I brought some flowers for her mum. ... this are her favorite ones, Y/N told me. I shake the hand from Ms. Chang and togheter we three go in the living room. We sit on a table and Y/N starts talking. "Mum, this is my only love, Hoseok. Hoseok, this is my beautifull mum.,, she says and grins at her mum. "Hello Hoseok. Nice to finnaly meet you. And I thought you like this other boy.,, Ms. Chang says and Y/N rolls her eyes. Y/N sits in middle of me and her mum. "Do you want somthing to drink?,, Y/N asks and I answer:"I would like some of the apple juce.,, She fills the juce in a glass and gives it to me. I now say:"Ok, I don't want this to become awarked. I got a few questions I really would like to ask.,, "Go ahead.,, Y/N's mum says and I ask:"What would you think if Y/N wants to live with me, in my house after she became 18? Just theoretically.,, "I think, she should do what she wants. I just want the best for her and if she wants to live with you, I accep that.,, Ms. Chang says and ads a question. "If she lives with you, how will you handle it? You don't have a job yet to earn money.,, I simply replay:"My parents do overwork since my chilhood. We saved enough money so I can live with her. Even in my own house. My family has good friends and we already found a nice house. My Grandpa and Grandma brought the house for me. Once I get a job, where I earn good money, I will pay them back and also care for Y/N.,, Ms. Chang is impressed and looks happy. "Y/N told me, she wants to travel and see the World. She also told me where you both want to go. I want to promise you both that I will take you to your dream citys. I will call a friend who comes with us and you both can enjoy your time togheter. I will chill with my friend in the City where you want to go. I want to be sure Y/N is safe there.,, I say and they look exited. I guess it was good I said this. "You really would do this for us?,, Y/N asks cute and I nod for yes. "What about our pets? Someone has to take care of them,, Ms. Chang asks worried. I just say:"Don't worry. I thought about that. I have more then one friend and I will ask them if they want to take care of them. I am sure Namjoon wants to travell with us, so Jungkook and Tae will look after your pets. They both had a dog allready and love to take care of pets and Jin knows how to handle little pets like your Guinea pigs. Jimin is very good with cats and he always wanted to have one. He littery knows everything about them.,, Y/N looks at me with a lovely look and Ms. Chang is really impressed. She smiles friendly and says:"Hoseok, count me in. I think you really care about my little girl and it's been a very long time since Y/N and me travelled toghether. I think I can trust you with this and with the pets also.,, "It's an honor to hear that from you. I have good future plans wth Y/N and we will always make sure to let you know when we travell somewhere or just go somwhere for holidays. You don't have to worry about Y/N's saftey. She will be in good hands.,, I say and look over to Y/N.   
I never knew Hobi had such big plans. He never told me. I'ts really cute how he cares for me. We only talked about that I want to live with him after I turned 18 and that we tell my mum about this. I still can't belive we will travel together. I am turning 18 this month already and I am so exited to live with him. We won't live alone. We will live with the other boys and as soon as Namjoon is ready to tell Stacy about the vampires she can live there too. She surely can handle this with her parents. They are very chilled and nearly let Stacy do whatever she wants. They always say 'Stacy has to find her own way of happienes. We support her but she has to walk alone'. Whatever, it seems like my mum really likes Hobi. I am proud of him, and surely the happiest girl with him. We sit together for almost an hour and we talk much and everyone seems happy. We come to an end and Hobi says:"I want to take Y/N with me, to my home when it's okay for you.,, My mum agrees and we walk to their Dorm. We go inside and what I see suprises me. "Stacy!,, I scream an we hug. After a while we let go again and she says:"Omg, our boyfriends are vampires! This must be a dream for you.,, I agree with her. Namjoon has the same plans with Stacy, Hibi has with me. Exept the traveling. We will live here all togheter. "Guys, girls, we will do a movie night today. Who wants to get some Snacks with me?,, Jin says and everyone agrees to get some Snacks. We wait till it gets dark and watch two movies. It is a nice night and we have the best time ever.

The end

That's it for my first fanfiction ever. I will do some special Parts sometimes. My second fanfiction will come out in 2 weeks and I hope ya'll enjoyed this fanfiction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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