Dark Revelations

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Resistance Base, Ajan Kloss,

It was a sunny day on Ajan Kloss and Jedi Ezra Bridger was training Rey in lightsaber combat and Ahsoka with Leia's daughter Jaina Solo. Jaina still feels devastated about Ben Solo's fall to the dark side to become Kylo Ren. Rey was starting to master her combat skills as she started parrying Ezra's strikes with ease. Ahsoka was watching from the corner next to an A-Wing.

"Well done," Ezra said with a smile. "You have improved greatly. With more training, you should be able to stand a chance against Ren and Matarrin."

"Thank you master Bridger," Rey said deactivating the Skywalker lightsaber. "It's been difficult, I feel that every day the First Order only gets stronger and many feel that all hope is lost."

"Patience," Ezra said. "As long as hope prevails, we have a chance."

"I hate to break up this conversation," Zeb said. "Hera and Finn would like to speak with you both."

"Let's hope there's some good news," Rey said. "We are short of allies."

As they arrived near the Tantive IV, Finn, Poe, Leia, and Hera were trying to calm down a large crowd of Resistance personnel which were trying to ask questions to the leaders.

"Calm down everyone," Poe said. "We'll get to your questions later. However there is something that we need to discuss with all of you."

"We have received information from Jool who has been monitoring First Order communications," Hera said. "It turns out that Ren, Taloh, and Vestara have found the planet Korriban, the ancient birthplace of the Sith."

"Karabast! This can't be true," Zeb said unsettled.

"We have also discovered that the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Revan has been resurrected along with the rest of the ancient Sith," Hera added. "They are preparing for a massive crusade against us and plan to restore the Sith Empire alongside the First Order."

"If they succeed, there will be nothing to stand against them," Poe said. "That is why we must move quickly to prevent the Sith Empire from returning. I have already contacted the Colossus and they will arrive shortly."

"Rey," Finn said turning to her. "What's your take on this situation?"

"I have done some research on Korriban," she said. "It has a bloody history and I have also discovered that the Sith Academy is where Revan may be operating, but how to get there, I do not know."

"We'll find a way," Poe said. "But time is running out."

"I can help," Ezra said. "We must travel to Belsavis, there is an abandoned Sith sanctuary there. Hopefully we can find something that can get us to Korriban."

"Very well," Rey said. "Lead the way Master Bridger."

Ezra, Rey, Sidon, Quiggold, Kix, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3P0 all went to the Millennium Falcon and the Messon Martinet where they began to depart to Belsavis to hopefully bring them one step closer to ending the resurgent Sith Empire.

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