The Battle of Korriban

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Sith Academy, Korriban,

Revan, Ren, and Taloh were waiting for the resistance to arrive and prove to Rey that the end of the Resistance and the stories of rebellion are coming. Rey kept looking at the Skywalker Lightsaber and Leia's lightsaber hoping that the Resistance can rescue her and end the Sith.

"As I said before," Revan said. "The Resistance is only denying the truth. There is no future for rebels and the Jedi Order. There is only the Sith. It is your birthright to serve us and become a member of the Dark Council."

"Never," Rey said. "I would rather die than serve you and Ren."

"How unwise," Revan said. "You are a disappointment to your bloodline. Lady Khai has the Resistance arrived?"

"No my lord," Vestara said aboard the Knight. "However I will have the fleet prepare to mobilize."

"Very well," Revan said. "Have Grand Moff Kilran keep an eye out for the Resistance. Should the enemy arrive, destroy them on sight."

"Understood," Vestara said as the holographic projection of her vanished.

"You don't know what you are up against," Rey said. "They will come with a large fleet and destroy the Sith."

Errant Venture,

Finn, Poe, Hondo, BB-8, Sidon, and many more resistance troopers and pilots were looking at the defenses as they were in hyperspace on the bridge holotable.

"There is a large fleet comprised of Harrower class dreadnoughts, and many other capital ships that are preparing to launch," Finn said. "Although Ren and Taloh are not aboard the Steadfast and the Knight, Vestara is aboard the latter ship and is commanding the fleet from there."

"With that said, we should try to disable the navigation system on Taloh's star destroyer," Poe said. "If we can disable the nav system until help arrives, then we can foil Revan's plans."

"And what of Rey?" Finn asked worrying about his friend.

"I trust Ahsoka," Poe said. "The second she arrives, she and Ezra with Lowbacca's assistance can help Rey."

"Let's do it," Finn said. "Time is of the essence."

As the Resistance fleet emerged from hyperspace, the Errant Venture, the Colossus, and the Tantive IV were standing by as the resistance was preparing to launch fighters to engage the Sith and First Order fighters.

The Resistance fighters then emerged from the hangars and Kazuda Xiono, Torra Doza, Venisa Doza, and Jarek Yeager began to reinforce the X-wings, A-wings, Y-wings, and B-wings.

Jool's ship and the Colossus then began to mobilize her forces to launch a ground siege on the Knight to disable the navigation system. K-7R1, Sidon, Quiggold, Kix, battle droid 513, Synara San, Zeb, Sabine, and Kaz's super battle droids began to prepare to board the Knight. As the troop carriers began to launch from the hangars, the Ghost began to provide cover fire while they converged on the Star Destroyer.

"We are detecting multiple troop carriers attempting to board our ship," A First Order Admiral said to Vestara.

"They are attempting to disable our navigation system," Vestara said. "We will play their game for now, but when I give the order, transfer the signal to the Steadfast as we send reinforcements to have the Resistance retreat."

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