Preparing for the Endgame

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Errant Venture, Tython,

Ahsoka and Ezra looked from the bridge of the Errant Venture as Hondo approached the two Jedi as they emerged from hypersapce.

"We are approaching Tython," Hondo said. "I wish the two of you the best of luck. We are definitely gonna need it."

"I know we will find Korriban through the archives," Ahsoka said. "We must not fail for the future of the galaxy depends upon our success."

As Ahsoka, Ezra, R2, C3PO, and Chewbacca landed on the surface, they noticed that the old Jedi temple was still very intact and did not appear abandoned. The team then exited the Millennium Falcon and started to enter the temple.

"I've never seen a Jedi Temple like this before," Ezra said. "To be this old, it is still rather intact and it appears functional."

"I agree," Ahsoka said. "We must be careful."

As they pressed onward, the doors opened and they took a moment to look at the interior of the temple to which it matched the description that Ahsoka was familiar with during her time as a Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. She then started to walk to the archives chamber and started to search for information on Korriban on one of the computers. She then found the coordinates to get to Korriban and contacted Hondo."

"Hondo," Ahsoka said. "Have the Errant Venture return to base. We have found Korriban and I need you to present this to Leia and Finn."

"Copy," Hondo said. "But what about you?"

"We can take the Falcon," Ahsoka replied.

"Very well," Hondo said as he deactivated his comlink. "Make the jump back to base."

As the Errant Venture returned to Ajan Kloss, Hondo then contacted Finn and transmitted the infromation to the command center. Finn, Poe, Leia, and Lowbacca then revealed the path to Korriban to every member on base.

"May we have everyone's attention?" Poe exclaimed. "Ahsoka just found the location of Korriban and is trying to look for more allies that can reinforce us. Until then, she suggested to attack before Revan succeeds in mobilizing his fleet."

"Not to mention rescue Rey and put an end to the First Order," Finn said.

"Pardon me for asking," Hondo said. "But how can we hold off an overwhelming fleet before Ahsoka arrives? Plus we don't even know of there are any more allies."

"We're gonna have to hit em ourselves," Poe said. "Our strongest ships will be the Colossus and the Errant Venture. The Tantive IV will provide support and try to take down the deflector shields of those capital ships while we engage the enemy fighters."

"Always loved your enthusiasm," Hondo said.

"We have hope," Poe said. "We are the spark of hope that will put an end to First Order and Sith rule. We must stand together as one and inspire others to rise up across the galaxy. Our victory will ensure that darkness will never win and we will restore peace across the galaxy."

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