Eternal War

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The Knight,

Vestara watched on the bridge as the Sith fleet continued to decimate a few more Old Republic and Resistance fighters and one Valor class cruiser. Taloh then arrived at the bridge as they were ready to begin to jump into hyperspace as the Sith cut off any Jedi or Resistance ships attempting to prevent them from jumping into hyperspace.

"Finally," Vestara said. "We can begin our crusade against our adversaries and put an end to the hated Jedi Order once and for all. Though there are a large number of Old Republic Era ships aiding the Resistance."

"Indeed," Taloh replied. "But with the support of Lord Revan and Supreme Leader Ren being the Galactic Emperor, we are one step closer to destroying the flame of rebellion and witnessing the final destruction of the Jedi."

Vestara then gave a small smile and her and Taloh watched as the fleet proceeded to move into formation to prepare to jump into hyperspace. Revan then appeared as a hologram and started to contact Resistance and Republic leaders as the fleet entered space.

The Errant Venture,

"General Finn, General Dameron, Bastila Shan," Revan said. "Your attempt to thwart our crusade has left your resistance leaderless and the Galaxy will witness the return of Sith rule as a result of your failure."

"We will never surrender to you," Bastila said aboard her ship. "We have defeated you before, we can do so again."

"Always so overconfident Bastila," Revan said. "This is only the beginning of a new era. I am Revan reborn, and before me, you are nothing!"

Poe watched aboard the Errant Venture as the Sith Fleet jumped into hyperspace and that they have failed to stop the Sith and the First Order. Finn then lowered his as he was extremely saddened about the loss of Rey as well and to see that her sacrifice did not help the Resistance.

"Poe, what do we do now?" Finn asked. "Rey is gone and the Sith and the First Order has succeeded in their plan to restore Imperial rule."

"We must return to base immediately," Poe said. "As Revan said, this is not over and we must prepare for the worst. Have multiple Republic ships sent to worlds that support us to prevent the Sith, the First Order, and the Chiss Ascendancy from seizing them. Once we head back to base, we will speak with Chancellor Saresh on our plan to fight back."

Resistance Base, Ajan Kloss,

Leia was monitoring the activities on Korriban with the remaining Resistance members as she noticed that they received aid from the Old Republic but she felt something dark happened. She started to place her hand on her chest as she felt that Rey has been killed by Revan, the Sith fleet has succeeded in their first phase of their galactic crusade, and that Ren is now completely driven to the Dark Side. She then started to lose consciousness as she collapsed. Jaina then ran to her and knew why she was reacting this way as she sensed her brother's complete transition to the Dark Side as the new Galactic Emperor.

"Commander Solo," A resistance soldier said. "What's happening? Is everything okay?"

"It's time to prepare for the worst," Jaina said as Leia drew her last breath. "We have failed our mission and we must prepare to evacuate the base when our allies return. The Eternal War has begun."

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