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I wake up and get ready for the weekend. I wake up Sabrina and we walk to the park and hang out with Peyton and Bradley for a bit.

"Rowan I think your very beautiful and nice I would love to date someone like you"
"aww that's so sweet of you Peyton and I feel the same way about you"
"so you wouldn't mind if I kissed your cheek right?" He smirked
"not at all my friend" I tried to sound like a cowgirl but failed

He kissed my cheek and I turned around and kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back.

I started to let go of the kiss and I looked into Peyton's beautiful hazel eyes. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

Sabrina and Bradley left and went to the house while I went to Peyton's house so we could hang out. On our way there we saw Cameron.

"ugh I was hoping that I wouldn't have to see you" he snapped
"so you were thinking about me?" I smirked
"shut up"

He ran off and I walked into Peyton's house. I greeted his mom, dad, and brother.

"your very pretty" Suzan said
"thank you" I blushed
"why are you so weird?" Cody asked
"I don't know why am I?" I blushed harder

I walked away from the them and sat on Peyton's lap as we watched spongebob together.

We laughed, hugged, and kissed but only once. after a while it started to get late so I walked back home and saw Cameron again.

"what do you want?" I said frustrated
"what are you doing with that guy?"
"we're dating why?"
"never mind see you tomorrow at school"

I walked home very confused about what just happened but I was hungry so I ate some of the fruit that I got 3 days ago.

I walked upstairs and heard weird noises so I walk all the way up the stairs and opened my room door then I saw....

"what is happening?" I asked
"it's the movie we're watching" Bradley said
"Oh ok well I'm gonna get in the shower so bye"

I walked to the shower and started getting undressed the I saw a snap and I was shocked and scared because I was naked...

"look at this" jake showed me a picture of me kissing someone
"it must have been Cameron he's been acting weird ever since I was dating someone" I said
"ooooooh!" Jake said laughing

I walk to class ignoring jake's last comment. Cameron is in there speechless and I see Peyton so I talk to him.

"hey beautiful" he said
"hey handsome what's up?" I asked
"the ceiling" he joked
"no this"

I peck his lips making sure he doesn't kiss me back. Cameron sees and he has a really quick comment.

"this is not 7 minutes in heaven calm it down" he said
"it was just a little kiss what's your problem?" I asked
"my problem is you having a boyfriend and rubbing it in my face" he said angrily
"why are you being jealous of my dating life? It's not like you care" I said
"I did I told you I liked you but I got nothing...this guy comes and still your heart what's that about?" He said
"he is sweet and your rude he treats me with respect and you don't there's a difference between you two and it can't be changed Cameron" I said getting off Peyton's lap

I walked to my desk as the teacher came in. she taught us stuff and we worked in partners.

"this project will be a song, it's a song for your partner that you will choose" the teacher said

Well you already know my choice which made Cameron mad. I love it when he's jealous it's very cute.

"what song are you gonna write about me?" Peyton smiled
"I think I'll name it 'Tattooed Heart' but it's a surprise"


I think this story is good so far...anyway comment what you think and don't forget to vote! One more thing umm who do you ship out of Cameron, Rowan, or Peyton? I ship Reyton lol.

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