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I wake up hearing Rowan laughing and talking to someone. I walk downstairs and I see her kissing with Peyton on the couch.

Rowan got off the couch and walked Peyton home. I walked to Corey's house and he didn't look too happy to see me.

"go away you cheater" Corey said
"I want to say sorry" I said
"maybe we can talk in 7 years but for now I don't want to talk to you" he said looking away from me
"hi I'm Rowan are you Corey?" Rowan smiled
"yeah" Corey smiled
"open the door please" she asked

He opened the door and I ran in before he could close it on me. I gave him a really big hug and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry ok? I shouldn't have cheated on you with Bradley but at the time I didn't know what it meant to have a boyfriend please forgive me" I cried
"I forgive you but I'm still mad" he hugged me
"it happened last year" I said
"time doesn't matter it still hurts" he said
"I'm sorry" I cried again

I moved my face closer to his feeling his breath on my lips he moved closer and our lips almost touched.

"Sabrina you have a boyfriend and the boy you're about to kiss isn't him" Rowan said
"your right, I'm sorry Corey but I'm with Bradley I can't do this to him" I shook my head
"I understand anyway I have a girlfriend her name is Sarah" he smiled
"your dating my cousin?" I questioned
"I guess so" he said nervously
"come on Sabrina we have to leave" Rowan took my hand and walked me outside.

We left and walked to Bradley's house and Peyton was there. Bradley didn't seem to happy when I saw him.

"where were you?" Bradley asked
"Corey's house..." I said nervously
"really Sabrina you were at your ex's house" he almost yelled
"yeah I just went to apologize, Rowan was there you can ask her"i said pointing at her
"you guys were suppose to hang out with us at the beach today and your like 1 hour late so..." Peyton said crossing his arms
"we were at Corey's house it's not that bad" Rowan said
"whatever let's go" Peyton said

We ride in Bradley's moms car to school. I walked onto the sand in my bikini. I could tell that Bradley as staring at my boobs.

"stop it babe" I said covering them
"sorry" he slapped himself in the face

He blushed and I giggled. we walked over to Reyton and we all talked.

"umm how many people have you dated?" Rowan asked
"4" Bradley said
"3" Peyton said
"2" I said
"1" Rowan blushed

Peyton kisses Rowan lightly on the lips making sure that she isn't embarrassed. it worked and she turned from red to white again.

We walked to the water and we played in there for about a bit but the Bradley got a little touchy.

He grabbed my butt with one hand and put his hand in my boob with the other. I put my arms around his neck causing him to take his other hand and put it on my butt squeezing it.

"stop that!" I yelled"
"but your butt feels so squishy" he said
"what did I just say?" I raised my eyebrow
"sorry " he blushed

He threw this hands up letting go of my butt. I looked over at Rowan and she was just sitting in the sand cuddling with Peyton. they're such a cute couple.

I walked over to them and splashed them with water.

"hey why did you do that?" Peyton got up
"because I can" I said
"well don't do it again"
"I'll try" I said

Rowan got up and poured water all over me. it was so cold and I screamed.

"AHHH" i screamed
"this is what you get" Rowan yelled

Peyton ran over to us and poured water on both of us. I looked up and saw Bradley walk away like he was mad or something. I didn't want to think of it so much because I wasn't trying to ruin my fun.

Rowan have me a hug and Peyton kissed her cheek I poured some sand on Peyton and he chased me until he landed on top of me and it was awkward because Rowan was right there.

He stared into my eyes and I stared into his but Rowan walked over to us.

"wow...I guess I'll leave now" she said

She walked away slowly but neither I or Peyton chased after her because she was just going home.

He got from on top of me and walked away. since I was the only one at the beach I left and went home.

"hey Rowan" I said
"hi had fun with my boyfriend on top of you?" She said in a smart way
"no not really" I replied
"yeah right well I'm going to bed you coming?" She asked
"yeah I am" I said as we walked upstairs.


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