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I wake up and Peyton calls me like 200 times until I finally answer.

"What do you want?" I asked
"Wanna come to six flags with me, my brother, and his girlfriend?" He asked
"Sure anything to get out of the house"

I hung up and started getting ready. I wore a white romper, black boots, and a black belt. I put my hair in a high ponytail and waited for Peyton.

10 minutes have past and he just got here.  I get in the car and sit next to Peyton. His brother drives and his girlfriend sits in the front seat.

I lean in for a little kiss but I guess some people don't like it.

"Hey don't get all smoochy with my brother" Cody said
"I didn't even kiss her yet calm down" Peyton said
"Can't we just enjoy the ride?" I asked

After that everyone was quiet and we finally got to six flags. we all got out of the car and got in line. good thing it wasn't long or I thing it would have been closed by the time we got in.

We get on our first rude which is roar. the rides scares me because it's made out of wood and I feel like it's gonna break down.

"Your scared?" Peyton asked
"No I'm not" I lied

That was really good considering it was my first time on it. I looked at Peyton and he seemed fine but then I saw the pictures and I almost died. I looked like I was eaten by a zombie while Peyton looked like he was an angel.

We got on like 6 rides but now it's time for boomerang. I was very scared at first but then after getting on it, it wasn't so scary anymore.

We walked all the way to superman. I hate to admit this but I was freaking out because that ride looks like your gonna die.

"Come on Rowan don't be a scary cat" Peyton teased
"Fine" I sighed

We got in the ride and we were buckled in. it's too late to go back now. ugh Im so scared. then the ride started and it was all over.

"Rowan I wanted to tell you this since we started dating...umm I love you"

After he said 'I love you' my heart stopped and I almost died. I couldn't say it back thought because I don't know if I love him.

"Well do you love me back?" Peyton asked
"Umm I don't know Peyton I mean we just started dating but I really do love you I just don't know how to tell you" I said really fast
"Peyton I think you just did" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss but by then the ride was over so he stopped and we got off the ride.

After spending a few hours at six flags Peyton came home with me. we watched a few movies together. I gave him a kiss on the lips and he slide his tongue in my mouth and we started making out for the first time.

"I will always be here for you even if we don't date" Peyton put his hands by my face you know how they do in movies?
"I will always be here for you too" I kissed him lightly on the lips.

We cuddled a bit but then we fell asleep on the bed together and trust me this isn't the first time we accidentally fell asleep with each other. I really want to have a future with Peyton but I don't know if he wants the same because you know...


What do you want to happen next? Comment your ideas and don't forget to vote! Btw this story will have a sequel but they will be in their senior year any names for the sequel?

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