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I wake up and eat a bowl of cereal. it was delicious but then I for dm dressed and work up Sabrina but to my surprise she was already woke and ready.

"wanna come to Corey's house after school with me?" Sabby asked
"sure I'll come with you" I said

We walked out of the door and went to school. I felt kinda nervous because I'm pretty sure Cameron is gonna be mean to me again but to my surprise he wasn't here today.

"where's Cameron?" I asked
"he's heartbroken because he likes you but he can't date you because you are with Peyton" jake lied
"so he didn't come to school?" I asked
"he's here he just isn't coming to all the classes your in with him" he lied again
"whatever" I rolled my eyes

I walk to my desk and a bucket of milk and chocolate gets dumped on me. I can see Cameron in the content if my eye laughing and the rest of the class did too but the only people that didn't laugh yeah you guessed it Peyton, Sabrina, Bradley, and Jake well you probably didn't think jake but after talking to him a lot he seems like a really good guy and we are almost friends but not quite yet.

"looks like you've expired" Cameron laughed
"leave me alone" I yelled
"no" Cameron said
"leave my girl alone before something bad happens to you" Peyton stood up
"shut up cowboy" Cameron said

"stop fighting please just stop it" I said
"fine then let's go" Peyton grabbed me

Peyton walked me out of the classroom and we went on with our day. I cleaned myself up and me and Peyton found Sradley making out in the bench and we sat next to them.

After school we went home and did lots of things together at the pool.

{the next morning}

After getting ready me and Sabrina walk to school. today we had to sing our songs. I was nervous because Peyton might not like my song.

We made it to school and Sabrina went first. she sang her song 'Too Young' and it was perfect she had a really good voice and I sang next.

After singing my song Peyton ran up to me and gave me a big hug he kissed my cheek and we walked back to our seats.

Cameron sang his song next and he sounded like he didn't even want to write a song.

"I hate you I used to like someone else but she got a boyfriend and we fought yesterday lalala I don't know if the girl can be my friend but whatever this is a song for another girl not the girl I worked with lalala I hate you all"

Everyone laughed at his song and he walked over to Sally and kissed her in my face like I cared. I looked at Peyton and he threw a note at me.

I read it and wrote back to him. he smiled while he was reading to note and I blew him a kiss.

Cameron stopped kissing Sally when he realized that I didn't care. he came up to me and tired to kiss me but I moved away quickly making sure that he didn't.

"Cameron stop why don't you go make out with Sally again?" I asked pushing him off of me
"because I want to kiss you" he said

He leaned in closer to me and I ran over to where Peyton was. I kissed his cheek and we say in class and listened to everyone else's songs.

After school Peyton and I went to the beach. he wore swimming shorts and I wore a flower pattern bikini. we sat in the sand and talked.

"Rowan you are the greatest girl I've ever met" he flirted
"thank you and same to you" I blushed
"how many guys have you dated?" He asked looking into my eyes
"Your my first boyfriend" I blushed harder
"really?" He asked
"yeah really..well wanna get in the water" i blushed again

I quickly change the subject as we run into the water a splash each other. I looked in his eyes and he leaned in for a kiss. I slowly slide my tongue in his mouth and we started making out.

He moved his hands up and down my back slowly moving his hands on my butt. it was uncomfortable for me so I moved his hands back to my waist.

I opened my eyes and let go of the kiss. we looked in each other's eyes again then his mom came to pick us up and she dropped me off at home.


Please tell me who you ship in the comments and please vote! I'm sorry but I don't know if I want to continue this story.

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