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I wake up in Bradley's arms at his house? Woah I didn't know what happened yesterday.

"Wake up baby" I said shaking him
"What happened and why am I in my boxers?" He halfway yelled
"I don't know" I said getting up  and putting on my shoes so I can go home.

Since I was too lazy to walk I just got on the bus so I wouldn't have to walk. After getting off the bus I see Corey knocking on the door so I sneak up behind him.

"Hi is Rowan home?" He asked
"Yeah why?" I asked
"I want to date her"
"Umm you can't do that she's dating someone"
"Oh yeah? Who is he?"
"Peyton she's dating Peyton"
"What? Oh my gosh in leaving"

He threw down the flowers he got for her and ran off. I opened the door and picked up the flowers.

I got a text from Peyton so I checked it.

Peyton: can you tell Rowan that I'm coming over?
Sabrina: yeah I will 😝

I saw Peyton on the couch watching tv. she looked at me then for off the couch.

"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing" she said

I sat on the couch and she brung back some popcorn. we watched a tv show together but then she got emotional.

"What's wrong Rowan?"
"What happened?"
"Nothing I'm just joking"
"I hate you so much"

I have her a hug and got us some more popcorn.

After a while we got bored and went to sleep. Peyton knocked on the door and ia answered it forgetting that he was coming.

"Hey where's Rowan? I have a surprise for her"
"She's on the couch"

He over to her and gave her a kiss. I called Bradley and he said that this summer he is moving so I won't see him all summer...what a bummer!

I go to Corey's house since we are cool now. he opens the for me as I walk in.

"You know what Sabrina? I'm over Rowan because I can never have her"
"Well you have me" oh no I said it the wrong way!

He leaned in for a kiss but I couldn't help it I wanted to know what his lips felt like on mine.

We kissed for 1 second then I let go.

"I'm so dead Bradley is gonna kill me"
"Yep Bradley is gonna kill you" Bradley said walking up behind me
"I'm sorry I swear I'm not dating him" I started crying really hard

I don't want to loose the love of my life again. I put my head in his chest and his shirt got really wet.

"It's ok Sabrina please just stop crying your gonna make me cry"

He lightly kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. we started to make out a little but then let then let go of the kiss.

We walked home together and we started to cuddle on the couch. I got I too of him while we was laying down and kissed him again.

I took a little nap on his chest. I wish that me and Corey never kissed but at least my boyfriend forgave me.

"I love you baby" he said
"I-I love you too" I said

I kissed him again and he kissed back. we started to make out but quickly moved away when Rowan and Peyton came back.

"Hey guys we are back"
"Hey rowboat" I smiled
"Did you guys have fun chocking on each other's tongues?" Peyton said
"Shut up" I said

We all sat on the couch and watched movies while eating fruit, popcorn, and trail mix that we made ourselves.


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