Part 11 Feather Potion

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3rd POV

Y/N  watched as Milla proceeded towards the field, Y/N stood still and put their hands together waiting for the reader to come back from their break. They commenced sitting and started fidgeting with their fingers. Following a few minutes, Y/N began to run towards Milla. Milla looked at Y/N.  "What took you so long?" Y/N gave a sour look to the reader before looking at Milla and shrugging. Despite her confusion, Milla quickly shrugged it off. "Alright Y/N I need your help in testing a new potion" She holds up a glass vile with a light pink liquid inside. Y/N looks at the potion with sparkles in their eyes. "This is my SUPER FEATHER POTION" Milla says with excitement, jumping up and down but being careful to not drop the potion.

She held up the potion for Y/N to see. Y/N's ears perked up in curiosity as they examined the potion. They tilted their head to one side, curious about the potion. Y/N tentatively reached out their hand towards the potion but hesitated before making contact. They glanced up at Milla, silently seeking reassurance. Milla nodded eagerly, urging Y/N to go ahead and touch the potion. "It's supposed to give you the power to fly super high, But I need someone to test it to make sure it's safe you know. 

Y/N's eyes widened at the mention of being able to fly. They were filled with excitement and anticipation for the potential of experiencing such a fantastical ability. With a grin on their face, they carefully touched the glass vile, feeling the cool surface against their fingertips. Milla watched with a mix of anticipation and nervousness as Y/N made contact with the potion. She held her breath, hoping that her creation would work as intended and not have any adverse effects. Y/N hesitated for a moment, contemplating the risks and benefits of testing the potion. But their curiosity and trust in Milla's abilities ultimately won out. Y/N's fingers tightened around the glass vile as they made their decision. With a deep breath, they uncorked the potion and lifted it to their lips, taking a cautious sip. The liquid slid down their throat, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. They felt a rush of energy coursing through their veins, as if they were being filled with an otherworldly power.Moments passed, and Y/N began to feel a strange sensation in their body. It started as a gentle fluttering in their chest, like the wings of a baby bird just learning to fly. Gradually, the sensation spread, causing their limbs to tingle with an exhilarating energy. 

Y/N's heart raced with anticipation, as they could feel themselves being lifted off the ground.With a sudden burst of energy, Y/N let out a gasp as they soared into the air. Their feet left the grassy field, and they found themselves suspended in mid-air. The world beneath them became smaller and smaller, as they gazed down at Milla, who was looking up at them in awe.

Y/N began panicking as they floated in the air their eyes filled with fear as their spined around in the open air. Milla's excitement quickly turned to concern as she realized Y/N's panic. She called out to them, her voice filled with urgency, "Y/N, stay calm! Remember, you have the power to control your flight!" She stretched out her arm towards them, trying to offer a sense of stability and reassurance. Y/N couldn't hear her as they were too far away. Suddenly Y/N felt the wind going past them. They look down and see that the ground was getting closer. Milla saw that they were getting closer, "Oh no the potion must have worn off!" she says in a panicked voice.

As Y/N descended rapidly towards the ground, panic surged through their body. They desperately flapped their arms, trying to regain control and slow their descent. Milla's heart raced as she watched Y/N's struggle, fear gripping her tightly. Y/N saw that they the ground was getting closer, they closed their eyes waiting for the impact... but it never came. 

They slowly opened their eyes to see Milla's face. 

Milla had managed to catch Y/N just before they hit the ground. She held onto them tightly, relief washing over her features. She gently set Y/N down on the grassy field, their feet touching the ground once again. Y/N's heart was still racing, their chest heaving with the adrenaline of the near fall. Y/N flopped on the soft avalicine dirt hugging the ground shaking uncontrollably.

Milla knelt down beside Y/N, her voice filled with concern as she gently touched their shoulder. "Are you alright, Y/N? I'm so sorry, I didn't anticipate the potion wearing off so quickly." Y/N took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of Milla's touch and the softness of the grass beneath them. They slowly nodded, slowly regaining control of their trembling body. Despite the scare, a sense of gratitude washed over Y/N as they realized Milla had saved them from a potentially dangerous situation. 

She gave them a reassuring smile and helped them to their feet, steadying their wobbly legs. "You're safe now, Y/N. I'm always here for you. Let's take a break and rest, alright?" Y/N nodded, appreciating Milla's care and understanding. They both sat on the grass, leaning against each other for support. Y/N focused on their breathing, slowly calming their racing heart. Milla placed a comforting paw on Y/N's, their touch bringing a sense of calm and reassurance. They sat there quietly, allowing the peacefulness of the moment to wash over them.

Y/N closed their eyes and started to take in all the noises around them. The chirping of the birds, the calm breeze of the wind, their own breathing. They took it all in. Y/N opened their eyes to see Milla very close to their face.

Y/N feel over with a gasp, their face blushing a light shade of pink. Milla looked at them with a confused look "Y/N are you ok your face looks warm?" Y/N's face gets even redder as Milla noticed. "Do you have a fever?" 

Y/N shook their head, their embarrassment evident. They tried to find the right words to explain their reaction, but as a mute, it was difficult for them to communicate. They pointed to Milla and then waved their hand in front of their own face, trying to convey that it was Milla's close proximity that had caused their blush. Milla's confusion turned into realization, and she couldn't help but chuckle at the realization. "Oh, I see now! You were just surprised, huh? Don't worry, Y/N, it's all good!" Milla gave them a playful nudge, her laughter contagious. Y/N couldn't help but smile in response to Milla's lightheartedness, feeling grateful for her understanding and acceptance. They gently bumped Milla's paw with their own, silently expressing their gratitude. As they continued to sit together in the field, a sense of warmth and companionship filled the air, easing any remaining tension from their near mishap.

After about half an hour of sitting in the field Milla noticed half a comb stuck in Y/N's tail. "Uh Y/N why do you have half a comb in your tail" Y/N looked at their tail and gave a stink eye at the comb remembering it when they were combing their tail yesterday and it got stuck. 

Y/N carefully reached behind them to try and remove the comb from their tail, but it was stuck firmly in their fluffy fur. With a sheepish expression, they shrugged at Milla, indicating their difficulty in resolving the situation. Milla couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of Y/N's predicament, finding their fox friend's expression amusing and endearing. "Well, it seems like you've got quite the fashion statement there, Y/N," Milla teased with a grin, her laughter contagious.Y/N couldn't help but chuckle along with Milla, embracing the lightheartedness of the moment. They continued to try and remove the stuck comb from their tail, their determination evident in their focused expression. After a few more gentle tugs and careful maneuvering, the comb finally came free, allowing Y/N's tail to return to its natural, fluffy state. Y/N let out a sigh of relief, wagging their tail contently as they resumed their relaxed position in the field.

"Well, we should head back I don't want Lilac and Carol to start worrying about us and besides I need to start identifying what went wrong with my potion."

Y/N nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of not causing undue worry for their friends. They stood up from the grassy field, brushing off any remaining dirt or grass from their fur. Milla stood up as well, her excitement and determination returning as she thought about the next steps in her potion-making process. 

With a final glance at the field Y/N and Milla started walking back to the tree house... 

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