Freedom Planet 2 Ch 3

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A few hours later...

Y/N woke up from their nap, feeling refreshed and ready to take on their new responsibilities. As they stood up and looked around the palace grounds, they felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. 

Y/N got up and walked toward Milla wanting to know something, it looked like she was busy picking out potion vials in a box, so Y/N waited.

Y/N patiently waits for Milla to finish picking out potion vials, wanting to ask her a question. They observe her focused expression and appreciate her meticulous attention to detail in her work.

Milla poked her head up. 

Milla: Oh Y/N I saw you sleeping but I didn't want to disturb you.

Y/N shyly blushes, feeling slightly embarrassed by the fact that Milla had witnessed them sleeping. They quickly brush off the embarrassment and approach Milla, ready to ask their question but the winds of fate had other ideas as General Gong came bursting into the courtyard.

Gong: Theirs been an attack on the museum! The culprits stole Pangu!

Y/N tilted their head to the side. "What's a Pangu"

Without any time to think Y/N was grabbed by Milla to the computer room where a map showed a holographic image of a giant airship over the small museum.

The Magister walks in and begins to explain.

The Magister: Pangu contains an extensive database of our history and culture. Much of its knowledge has yet to be deciphered. It must be recovered at all costs.

The 4 nod their heads and begin to head to the museum, but as Y/N was putting their Backpack on Askal bumped into the causing Y/N to fall. 

Askal: Watch where you're going Mutt.

Y/N quickly picks themselves up, determined not to let his words shake them. They steady themselves and brush off the encounter, knowing that their purpose lies in protecting and recovering Pangu. With renewed resolve, they continue on their mission, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.

Y/N shortly arrived at the museum, taking in the chaotic scene before them. They could see the remnants of the destruction caused by robots and the panicked museum staff. Y/N's focus sharpened as they surveyed the area, determined to find any clues that might lead them to the stolen artifact and bring the culprits to justice.

They begin to run through the museum pouncing across large holes and parkouring up huge steep walls. Y/N's agile movements and quick thinking allow them to navigate through the museum with ease, effortlessly leaping over obstacles and scaling walls. Their determination fuels their speed as they search for any sign of the stolen artifact, their senses heightened in the pursuit of justice.

Y/N noticed a bench just seemingly sitting in the middle of the museum and decided to sit on it., Y/N began to think to themselves " why did I sit on this bench?"

Y/N contemplated their impromptu decision to sit on the bench in the middle of the museum. They couldn't help but wonder if there was some significance to the bench or if it was simply a random thought that led them to sit down. As they sat there, they took a moment to reflect on their surroundings and gather their thoughts before continuing their search for the stolen artifact.

Y/N's heart raced as they sprinted across the colossal spinal cord bones, the rhythmic clacking creating a mesmerizing melody. Their adrenaline surged, absorbed by the surreal experience, as they continued their daring journey.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat as they noticed a sudden drop ahead. Reacting instinctively, they expertly executed a swift backflip, effortlessly propelling themselves to the other side, defying the force of gravity and leaving onlookers in awe.

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