Part 13 Snow

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Y/N was in their dog bed in a deep sleep, softly snoring and adjusting their position. It had been a whole month since they began living with the girls and it's really turned great for them. Milla poked her head inside the dog bed having an excited look on her face. Milla gently nudged Y/N, trying to wake them up from their peaceful slumber. Y/N stirred slightly as Milla's gentle nudge disrupted their deep sleep, blinking their eyes open to see the excited expression on Milla's face.

"Y/N Wake Up! Wake Up! It's Snowing". Y/N looked at Milla with a confused face. Y/N tilted their head in confusion, trying to process Milla's words. As they blinked the sleep from their eyes, Y/N realized that Milla was announcing the arrival of snow. They recoiled in fear as they huddled in 3 pairs of blankets and hid in them. 

Milla had already gone outside the tree house looking at the beautiful white fluffy snow. She jumped into the snow ignoring the bitter cold on their fur.  Y/N watched Milla play in the snow from the safety of their blankets, unsure if they would ever join in themselves. The new experience of snow brought about anxiety and uncertainty, causing Y/N to seek comfort and security indoors.

Lilac walked into the living room and looked out the window to see Milla playing in the snow, she walked out onto the balcony. "Milla come back and at least put a coat and shoes on it's too cold!" Milla looked up to the balcony, "Coming Lilac!"

Y/N watched as Lilac called Milla back inside to put on warm attire before playing in the snow. Y/N felt a mix of relief and gratitude towards Lilac for looking out for Milla's well-being. Carol walked out of the bedroom and sat on the couch with a lazy look in her eye, they noticed Y/N's shaking bed. "Hey what's up with you? she said groggily. Y/N stayed silent and continued to retreat deeper into their bed, overwhelmed by the new environment and uncertain about how to navigate the situation. Carol observed Y/N's behavior, recognizing their need for space and comfort, and decided to respect their boundaries without pressing for an explanation.

Panic filled Y/N's thoughts as they remember the painful memory falling through the ice while traveling on a frozen lake to get to the other side of the forest. 


Y/N's memory flashed back to the terrifying moment when they fell through the ice of a frozen lake. Y/N cautiously made their way across the frozen lake, taking each step with utmost care. The tranquil atmosphere was suddenly shattered as the sound of a crack reached their sensitive fox ears. Panic surged through their body as they froze in place, realizing the danger of the situation. The cracking sound echoed in their ears as the ice gave way beneath their feet, plunging them into icy water. Panic coursed through their veins as they struggled to stay afloat, desperately clawing at the sharp edges of the broken ice, their heart pounding with fear. Y/N grips the cold ice as they struggle to pull themselves out of the freezing water, their fur only weighing them down and making them even colder. The fear of drowning intensified as Y/N's body grew weaker from the icy water. The cold seeped into their bones, numbing their movements and clouding their thoughts. With every ounce of strength remaining, Y/N fought against the freezing water, determined to survive and escape this traumatic ordeal. With sheer determination, Y/N's trembling paws desperately clawed at the edges of the broken ice, frantically seeking a solid grip. Adrenaline surged through their body as they mustered all their strength to hoist themselves out of the freezing water. Gasping for air, Y/N finally managed to heave their waterlogged body onto the cold, unforgiving ice. Their sopping wet fur clung to their shivering form, serving only to intensify the chilling cold. Exhausted and in shock, Y/N lay there on the ice, their heart pounding in their chest, overwhelmed by the gravity of their near escape from a frozen fate.

End of flashback

Y/N was snapped out of the memory by an enticing aroma wafting through the air. They turned their head to see Lilac, who was now back inside from the balcony, holding a cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows. Lilac walked over to Y/N, gently placing the cup beside them without saying a word. Y/N hesitated for a moment before tentatively reaching out a paw to grasp the warm cup, feeling a sense of comfort and safety as they held the steaming beverage in their paws. Y/N quickly pulled their paw away from the hot drink, feeling the sting of the heat on their sensitive tongue. They blew on the hot chocolate to cool it down before taking another cautious sip, finding the warm and comforting taste soothing. Grateful for Lilac's thoughtful gesture, Y/N settled back into their blankets, savoring the warmth of the hot chocolate and the safety of their surroundings, slowly easing their anxiety and beginning to appreciate the small moments of comfort that their new family provided.

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