CHAPTER 7| Snitch.

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"THANK YOU so much, I owe you one. Bye, Elli!" She says, cutting the call shortly after.

Frowning, I grab my bag and leave the office Azalea had created for me in her or, our private departments.

As quickly as possible, I speed walk out of the building, in a poor attempt to avoid conversation or delay. I need to get to the Laurier's estate as soon as possible.

"Elliott! It's been a while!" Someone calls out, and I stop in my tracks.

I just had to fucking jinx it.

Slowly and dreadfully, I turn around and walk towards a slightly older man. Looks about in their mid-thirties and is wearing a formal suit. I feel underdressed, but that's probably because I am underdressed in my half unbuttoned white blouse and black suit trousers.

Well it's not like there's anything to dress for, anyway.

I narrow my eyes at the man. "A long while.. so long that I completely forgot who you are. Please, remind me?" I hope the tone of my voice was hinting towards something. Something along the lines of, 'I'm really busy and have close to no time to engage in chit-chat right now'

But of course, it doesn't. Somehow, even with my overly annoyed expression, he doesn't get the hint.

"We met at the bar up front! I believe you had that young girl with you, Azalea or something. Must be a sibling," he smiles. I smile back. This isn't that bad. "do you think you could lend her to me one day? If you know what I mean." He winks at me.

My body goes tense. I shoot him a sour look before my fist collides with his cheek, sounding a nasty crack.

"I could lend you some fucking manners, or maybe, some respect and dignity," I spit, landing yet another punch on his other cheek.

This is a normal thing, apparently cause no one is looking our way.

"I'm sorry, I was joking!"

I wave my fingers in the air as an indication for security to come and take him away. I don't stay long enough to see or hear him protest, because as soon as I blow the pedophile a kiss, I dash out of there. And this time, it's clearly more obvious I'm busy since no one approaches me.

And I quite literally need a second to compose myself, but I don't have a second right now. Like literally, if they were at that super secret restaurant that's supposedly 'minutes' away from the department in which Azalea's office residences in, Andreas wouldn't be too far away from the estate. Yes, it's about a two hour drive, but Andreas is one to speed and the roads are quite wide and easy to swerve and switch lanes on.

However, for me, the roads are narrow and even though it's a '1 hour drive' it normally ends up being 2 or 1.5 drive. I'll just need to make it work today, I guess.

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