~Chapter 2~

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"Hi, I am Lee Know." I spoke. I heard some of the other kids whispering about us and saying things like "I can't believe the loner is hanging out with the new kid..." I guess Han was like an introvert or something like that since what had happened a year and a half ago.

"Ok class, everybody get your work book out and turn to page 207!" Then this short buff guy with black curly hair got up and said, "Going to the bathroom!" Then some kids started snickering and giggling. Then I realized I didn't have a workbook. "Han, where can I get a workbook?"

"Have you checked all through your desk?" I nodded and he sighed. "Ask the teacher for one I guess..."

"Umm, sir, I don't have a workbook..." He sighed then looked at this really tall kid and spoke, "Hyunjin, I told you to make sure Lee Know had a workbook!" Hyunjin then looked up and frowned. "Sir, there were no more books, and you were busy, so I didn't bother you...."

"Well, Lee Know, I assume you will have to go to the office for one...but I also assume that you don't know where that is so...Han, since y'all are seat buddies, will you walk with him to the office, and you might as well show him around the whole school..."

"Yes, sir I will." He got up and looked at me. "Well, are you coming or not Lee Know?"

"Oh yeah sorry." I got up really quick and me and Han walked out together.

Han's POV:

I was completely fine with showing Lee Know around. He seemed cool so far and I needed more friends other than just Chan Hyung..."So where did you come from?" I asked him to break the kind of awkward silence.

"I came from Gimpo. It's a small town pretty far away from here." It must be far because I have never heard of Gimpo ever in my life.

Just as the boys bathroom came in sight, I saw my bullies come out...Just as I looked back to tell Lee Know we should look at another part of the school, not because I was scared of them but because I didn't want Lee Know to see I get bullied his first day here. Hell, I was so used to them bullying me it was like it was a part of my daily life...it didn't even hurt because I was suicidal because of the fact my parents got murdered in front of me and Tzuyu.

Lee Know was back like 30 feet away from me tying his shoes...that is when Changbin, Yeonjun, and Heesung saw me coming their way...

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