Chapter 1 || Section 2

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Me and Light ended up in a local park, we sat on a bench the book placed in between us. I watched as the children ran around in the park. I then looked at Light from the corner of my eye. He let out sigh and leaned back against the bench crossing his arms and legs.

[Light] "I know you and I are both considering it" he said as he looked at me. I looked back at the children. There honestly must be something wrong with me to even consider it.
I rubbed my forehead, my brows furrowed. I then looked down at the notebook once again. I sighed.

"We are taking this way to serious, for all we could know this could be some sort of prank"
I spoke waving my hand around.

"But... I wouldn't mind trying it out"
I said softly looking up at him, with a serious expression also in his face. He nodded with a smirk on his lips and then stood up. He looked down at me.

[Light] "Let's head back to my place.?"
He asked, I raised an eyebrow at him. I shrugged not wanting to think too much of it, I got up from my seat while swinging my bag over my shoulder. As he picked up the notebook and shoved it in his bag. Then we started to make our way to his place. But I walked a few steps behind him since I didn't know where he lived.


The walk to his house was silent, we never really talked to each other before so of course it was awkward. It's crazy when you really think about it, we've always been in the same classes since primary school yet we never spoke to each other. i didn't really mind though since I've never been the social type.

Finally making it to Light's house we stood at his front door, his hand on the door knob. He turned back giving me a nod before turning back as he put a smile on his lips. A smile going to my lips as well as he held open the door for me letting me step inside. What a 'gentleman.'
His mother instantly poking her head out of the kitchen, I gave her a soft smile and she returned it. As she made her way down the hallway, Light started introducing me as I took off my shoes.

[Light] "Mom this is Y/N." He said softly with a smile, as he pointed towards me.

[Light's Mom] "it's nice to meet you sweetie"
She said softly giving me a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Yagami" I said with a smile as I bowed my head. "I hope it's not too much trouble for me coming over unannounced, you see... we were assigned to do a project together" I said softly with an innocent smile.

[Light's Mom] "no trouble at all hunny" She said giving me a reassuring smile. I bowed once again.
"Thank you.. Mrs. Yagami" I said as I bowed.

[Light's POV]
I looked at Y/N from the corner of my eyes. Who knew she can be such a good liar. I looked back at Mom.
"Mom can you make us some tea. We're going to work on the project in my room."
I said with a smile on my lips, as I pointed upstairs.

[Mrs. Yagami] "Of course hunny"
My mother said with a smile. I then turned to grab Y/N wrist to lead her up the stairs towards my room. Y/N giving my mom one more smile as we went up the stairs, my mother going back into the kitchen to prepare the tea.

[Back to Y/N POV]
As we went upstairs, Light opened the door letting me inside his room first. I'm gonna say it again, what a gentleman. I stood in the middle of his room not knowing what to do since it is my first time in his house and his own little private space. I looked back at Light as he closed the door. My brows furrowed as he locked the door. He then made his way to his desk taking out his desk chair offering me to sit. I sat sown and just put my bag on my lap.

Soon after his mom came by to drop off the tea, Light also made sure to tell him mom not to disturb us. I held my cup of tea taking a few sips of it every now and then. Light took a seat at the end of his bed, taking out the book from his bag. Opening it once more. He cleared his throat.

Tell me we weren't just friends  ||  Light Yagami  X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now