Chapter 5 || Section 1

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I followed behind Light as we exited out the bus, feeling the cold breeze brush back my hair. I looked around the street, my eye going to the now dead corpse in the middle of the road. I gulped my hand going to my chest.

[Reye] "you there"
I heard Reye say but not really directed to me. Me and Light both turning to look at Reye and for some reason he immediately went and took a hold of my hand. I looked down at his hand that now held mine. My brows furrowed slightly, confused. But I just played along and let him hold my hand. Originally I was planning on leaving straight after we were done with all of this but obviously now I can't. He trapped me on purpose.

I sighed and just accepted defeat. I took out my phone and decided to just text Light's mom so she could pick us up.
[Light] "make sure you don't tell anyone we came into contact with an FBI agent, alright"
I looked up from my phone, seeing Light and Reye nowhere to be found.

[Y/N] "of course not, I know better than to do that"
I said softly but with a hint of attitude, as I went to put away my phone. Lights eyes following my every move.
[Light] "who were you texting"

[Y/N] "you're mom, i told her that the bus broke down and to pick us up."
I said softly, my eyes wandering around. Light just nodded, he looked down and saw that he was holding my hand. He quickly let go of my hand, I rolled my eyes. He turned around, his back now facing me.
[Light] "let's just get out of the street and start walking further so my Mom doesn't have to see what happened here"
I nodded and just followed close behind Light as he started walking.


As I entered Light house, I was met by Sayu wrapping her arms around me.
[Sayu] "ohh Y/N! I thought you were going to stop coming over"
She cried, my eyes wide and confused.
[Y/N] "uhhh of course not. Why would I stop coming over"
I said with a nervous laugh, I turned my head to look at Light. his expression dull and serious as always. My eyes then were met by Ms. Yagami, she smiled softly as I met her eye. She looked worried, why.

My eyes widened, glimmering as I remembered the night me and Light had the argument. That's right when I left Light room, Sayu had her head poked out of her room. She probably heard us yelling and Light's Mom probably did too. And then all over again I was upset. I looked over at Light, does he not care.

Sayu finally unwrapped her arms around me making me look back at her. I smiled softly as I went to take a hold of her hands.
"Everything's fine"
I whispered. Then I quickly followed behind Light as he started to make his way upstairs.

I closed the door behind me as we entered Light's room. My back leaned against the door, my hand still on the door handle. I bit my lip. My eyes following his every move, as he just made a stop in the middle of the room. His back facing me.
[Y/N] "Light...."
I said softly. His body tensing up a bit, which made me even more nervous. I closed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. God I can't believe i'm doing this.

[Y/N] "I'm sorry"
I said as I opened ny eyes to see that he was now facing me. Hid brows furrowed slightly.
[Light] "why are you sorry for? There's no reason for you to be sorry. If anything I'm the one who needs to apologize"
He said as he took a few steps closer.

I pressed my back even more against the door. I looked down at my feet.
[Y/N] "no. I'm sorry. I'm the one that started it. And either way I'm supposed to do whatever you tell me to do, I promised you that I wouldn't get in the way and just follow orders. That's what I'm supposed to do"
Light let out a sigh, my eyes wandering up to look at him. His fingers now on the bridge of his nose.
"I'm sorry! Please.. i'm sorry, I never should've asked."

[Light] "look it's fine, let's just move on from this. I have a plan."
He said and then he turned, his back facing me once again. I nodded softly and I followed behind him as he made his way towards his desk. Throwing my bag onto the bed as I then turned on the lamp. He took out the death note. My eyes widened.

[Ryuk] "Oh, let me guess. You're about to write down the name of that agent, aren't you? The one from the bus."
[Y/N] "you're gonna have to be an idiot to do that"
I crossed my arms across my chest as I looked down at Light, my brows furrowed. Light looked up at me a smile on his lips and then he shook his head.

[Light] "Not yet, I'm gonna wait one week before writing his name. If he died right after meeting us, that will only drag attention to us. I'll write his name in here once I've given him time to investigate more people with tied to the the police. It'll be less obvious that way. In the meantime, I think i'll use some of these inmates i've been keeping alive to play around with L a little more."

My eyes glimmered, I clapped my hands together, oh how much I love doing these. I guess this is my cue. I sat on the edge of the bed and excitedly took out pages of the death note.
Gods of Death.

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