Chapter 3 || Section 3

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And then the plan started, it's actually quite smart, well you can always expect that from Light. Would've been better if we were doing it from the beginning but oh well. We're doing it now. Killing criminals by the hour. And we just pretend like today's a regular day, just like everyone else.


I walked beside Light, it was early in the morning so I was still extremely tired. I hate needing to wake up early. And now because of the Death Note and Light I've been needing to wake up much more early than usual. I held onto Light's sleeve as I walked beside him sleepily, my head low and my eyes closed. I yawned.
"What if we just skipped school and go home and take a little nap."
I said softly.
"No Y/N. You can take a nap during break if you want alright"

I pouted making Light laugh at me.
"Shut up"


[Light] "what happened to you being tired. Hmm?"
"I don't know what you're talking about"

I said sticking out my tongue at him. I stood on the sidelines of the soccer game. Light talked to me as he played, and even when he's multitasking he's just as good, no fair. I crossed my arm against my chest as I saw them make a goal.
"God this class just takes forever to be over"

I complained. Oh how much I hate gym.


I skipped through the halls as it's already lunch time. My favorite time of the day. Making my way to the cafeteria I scanned the tables. Finally being able to find Light, I skipped towards him.

I slumped on the seat next to him.
"God... i'm beat..."
I said softly, before I placed my lunch on the table. Unwrapping it excitedly.

[Light] "food does seem to increase your mood"
I heard Light say, I looked at him from the corner. And then down at his lunch.

"Can I have a bite of your cookie"
I said as I pointed at the cookie in his bag, my eyes glimmering. He laughed.


Finally school was out and me Light walked side by side towards his house. I held on to his sleeve like always, well only when I'm occupied really. His hands were in his jeans pocket. Light looking straight ahead while Ryuk flew right behind us.

[Light] "I'd say L is probably starting to sweat a little by now. What'll really make his job difficult is that I've deliberately left about 50 criminals alive for times like this."
He started to speak, making me look up at him. Ryuk letting out a 'Hm?'

[Light] "If L is as good as they say, by now, he should be starting to suspect someone with connections to the police."

My nose back in the book, but I still tried my best to pay attention towards Light.
[Ryuk] "There's one thing I don't get. Showing them you have connections to the police, makes it easier for them to find you than when they just suspected you a student."

[Light] "Well, my real agenda is... to get close to L, so I can eliminate him."
[Ryuk] "How are you gonna do that?"
[Light] "You still don't understand human beings. In this world, there are very few people who actually trust each other. For example me and Y/N, we're trusting each other with our lives. And it's no difference for the police, you know."

[Light] "what's especially important is that L and the investigators don't trust each other at all. Think about it. Could you trust someone whose name and face you don't even know? When L discovers that I'm somehow getting confidential information, he'll be obligated to start investigating the police to find the source of the leak. When that happens, it'll only be a matter of time before the police start resenting L. On the surface it will appear that L and the investigators team are working together to try to catch me. But in reality, L will investigate the police, and they will be investigating L.

[Light] "I'm not the one who is going to find L. I can let the police do that for me. And when they do, that's when I'll eliminate him.

 And when they do, that's when I'll eliminate him

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