Chapter 4 || Section 1

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[Light] "So, the price for receiving the eyes of a Shinigami is no more than- "

Was one of the final things I heard Light say before I dozed off. A hand going to my chin. There's actually no way Light would want to make this deal, by how much I have gathered from him these past weeks. He wants to be the god of the new world, and needs to be a god in that world for a very long time.
Coming back to reality. My eyes glimmered as I looked back up at Light who still sat at his desk.

[Ryuk] "Yeah. i still felt I should tell you that the deal existed, just in case. Anyway,  I've done my part. I don't need you complaining I didn't tell you this earlier on."
[Light] "This is what you call 'telling me early on?' Don't you think you're a little late?  I don't see why you couldn't have told me this when we met. Or better yet, you could've simply included it in the instructions for the Death Note."
Light said with an attitude towards Ryuk, his arms crossed.
[Ryuk] "Uh, good point."

Light turns off his lamp before he got up and started to walk towards the bed as he spoke.
[Light] "Well? You sure there's nothing else you want to tell me 'ahead of time,' Shinigami?"

He said as laid down next to me on the bed, his hands going behind his head. I pulled my feet up the bed and wrapped my arms around them. Looking at Light nervously.

[Ryuk] "No, nothing else."
[Light] "Really? That's too bad."
[Ryuk] "What do ya mean?"
[Light] "You know, Ryuk, I might've seriously considered the deal if you'd offered me wings instead of eyes. Just the idea of flying around freely in the sky sounds very god-like. After all, it's been mankind's dream since antiquity to be able to fly."
I smiled softly at Light joke. He sat up from the bed his hands either side of him, and he turned his head to look at me a smirk on his lips.

[Ryuk] "You'd stand out if you sprouted wings and flew around. Not to mention the police would have no trouble finding you."
[Light] "I was only joking. Anyway, if I keep bargaining for eyes and wings and whatever else, next thing you'll know I'm going to end up becoming a real Shinigami. Though who knows? I bet that could be pretty interesting."
He said as he turned to look back up at Ryuk. My smiled faltering, my eyes still fixated on him. The Moonlight hitting his face perfectly.

"I'll do it"
I said out of nowhere, also startling myself. Light looked back at me, his eyes wide.
"I can make the deal so you don't have to"
I spoke again. Light brows furrowing.

[Light] "No you are not"
He said in a very serious tone.
"But Light-"
[Light] "no, absolutely not"
He interrupted me. My brows furrowed slightly.
"Light, if I do this we won't be struggling as much as we are"
Light looked away from me as he shook his head.
[Light] "no"

I stood up and went to Ryuk, wanting to do the deal not caring what Light says.
[Light] "No! I do not give you permission to do so."
He yelled as he swiftly got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me away forcefully. His grip on my arm tight. Once I finally found my balance, I looked up at Light and down my arm where he still held me tight. My brows furrowed. I yanked my arm away.

"don't touch me like that, don't you ever touch me like that"
I yelled out my brows furrowed, my eyes slowly starting to get watery.

[Light] "okay, i'm sorry."
He said his hands out trying to calm me down, his voice now calm.
[Light] "I'm only trying to do what is best for you"

"This is my decision Light. I want to do this"
[Light] "no"
He said again, his stern stone back.

I said again, but he stayed quiet. He looked down as he shook his head. A hand going to his side, his other hand going to the bridge of his nose.

[Light] "Y/N, I don't have time for this.
I already said no, so it's a no."
This honestly made me more upset. Why does he care if I give up half of my lifespan. He turned around basically giving me the back. My hand going to his arm yanking him with all my force to making him face me again.

"Why do you care!"
I yelled out towards him. His eyes slightly wide surprised at my 'outburst' like if it wasn't coming. His brow furrowed.
[Light] "Y/N stop! I already said no"
He yelled back. And then he tried to turn back again but I yanked him back.

"tell me why you f^cking care!"
I yelled out again, my voice now shaky. A few tears started to roll down my cheeks. As Light turned to face me his expression softened as he noticed the tears rolling down my cheeks. He bit his bottom lip, his brows furrowed as he looked at me. Ryuk leaned closer towards Light and whispered in his ear, I couldn't really make out what he said. But that didn't matter right now. I looked at Ryuk from the corner of my eye but then I looked back at Light.

"Tell me!"
I said loudly but also softly, in a way. His eyes looking down at me. His soft brows furrowing once again. And he just shook his head and turned to his side, his hand going to cover half of his face. I sighed frustrated, and I just shook my head and I quickly grabbed my bag and stormed out of his room.

 I sighed frustrated, and I just shook my head and I quickly grabbed my bag and stormed out of his room

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