Chapter 2 || Section 2

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After Ryuk told us that if anyone touches the notebook me and Light have been discussing on what to do and today we're going forward on the plan on how to hide the Death Note. So we snuck into an abandoned building to experiment a few things.

[Ryuk] "what are we doing here anyway? I don't understand why we're sneaking around this dump. Tell me."
Me and Light were kneeled down, i took out bottles from my bag and placed them next to the death note.

[Light] Isn't it obvious? You told me that anyone who touches the Death Note will be able to see you. I can't afford to carry something this dangerous with me anymore. Up until now, I thought that if my family ever saw the notebook, I can tell them I was keeping records of various criminals in preparation for becoming a detective one day. But i'm walking a very fine line right now."
[Light] "I don't want to think about it, but if I make one mistake I might end up killing my own family"
He said as he poured one of the bottles onto the notebook making it set off on fire. I hugged my legs as I looked at the fire in front of me, and then I leaned my head against Light shoulder. One single mistake...


We were back in Light's room. I sat on his bed crisscrossed, I pulled my skirts down to cover myself. Light closed the drawer to his desk and then leaned back onto his chair. A smirk on both out lips.

[Light] "That was easier to make than I thought It'd be."
[Ryuk] "Huh? Does that mean you were able to hide the notebook"
[Light] "Yeah. I hid it right here in this drawer."
He said as he pointed at the drawer he just closed looking up at Ryuk with a smirk.

[Ryuk] "But it doesn't seem to be particularly well hidden. You left the key on the lock."
I let out a giggle as I spoke
"That's the whole point Ryuk"
Light looked up at Ryuk.

[Light] "I intentionally left the key in the most noticeable place I could think of."
Light said opening the drawer revealing a very cringy obvious note book that said Diary as the cover.

[Ryuk] "Isn't that just a regular diary?"
[Light] "That's what it is. I'm guessing that once most people find the diary inside my desk, that'll probably satisfy their curiosity."
Light said confidently towards the Shinigami. I observed him as he spoke. He reached towards his desk getting a pen.

[Light] "But... the real key... is this."
He said as he held up the pen.
[Light] "Just an everyday item you'd expect to find lying around on my desk. A regular ball-point pen, and all I need is this part."
He said before pulling apart the pen.

[Ryuk] "So that's the key?"
[Light] "Yeah. If you look closely, you'll find that there's a small hole underneath the drawer."
He said as he took the Diary out of the drawer.
[Light] "then you just insert this..."
Light kneeled down in front of the drawer as he put the piece of the pen through the small hole. Making the bottom of the drawer lift up.

[Ryuk] "Aha. A fake bottom. The diary will distract most people so I doubt anyone will find it."
[Light] "But that's not all."
Ryuk leaned slightly more forward, more intrigued 'Oh?' He let out. Light took the Death Note out of the drawer, holding it in his hands.
[Light] "Even if someone figures out that there's a fake base, I've set things up so that there's no way they could get their hands in the notebook.

[Light] "You see, once the ink reservoir is inserted it acts as an insulator, preventing the flow of electricity around the circuit. When the fake base of the drawer's put back, this piece of rubber also prevents the flow of electricity. However, if someone were to try and force the bottom of the drawer open, the circuit would connect and now would ignite the gasoline contained in this thin plastic casing, instantly setting the notebook on fire. The way I've got it set up, all the evidence would be completely destroyed. If i'm ever questioned, I'll just say that I was hiding the real diary because I didn't want anyone to see it. It sounds like a pretty believable excuse. I mean... it is my diary after all."

[Ryuk] "I've heard of humans finding Death Notes in the past and typically, the biggest problem they had is finding a good place to hide it. But you, Light, you're probably the first to have given it this much thought. Though, it's a pretty risky setup from the look of it. If you make even the slightest mistake, you could be badly burned."
I cupped my face with my hands as I looked up at the Shinigami, he's not really that smart is he. Light rested his chin on the palm of his hand, he looked up at Ryuk.

[Light] "Risky? You say the strangest things sometimes, Ryuk. This whole thing has been a risk since the very beginning, from the moment I obtained the Death Note. I'm sorry, but compared to that, this doesn't even qualify as a risk to me. In fact, it actually protects me. It all comes down to a choice: would I prefer to be executed or deal with a little house fire?"
He said as he put his hands on the back of his head, and leaned back into his chair. God why does he always do that, I can't stand to look at him when he's like that. As I felt a slight blush go on my cheeks, I turned to look out the window. Patting my cheeks slightly trying to calm myself down. This will past. Hopefully...


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