Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Park Seonghwa stared down at the sink basin, the burn of bile threatening to come up was so strong that he could feel his palms starting to sweat. He brought his eyes up to stare at the person reflected in the mirror in front of him. His soft pink hair was a bit messy, dark shadows under his eyes mixed with dry lips a testament to how worn out he was. Lately, it felt as if he wasn't getting enough sleep, or just the opposite. It really depended on the day. And now, for the past two days, he'd woken up feeling like he was going to vomit. Thankfully, he'd been able to hold it back, but it felt as if the feeling was getting stronger. Last night, he'd felt the beginnings of it rising before he'd gone to bed.

Was he sick? Did he pick up a bug during classes? In his room, he heard his phone going off, telling him that it was time to get up. He groaned as he remembered it was Monday. They were his busiest days of the week, with four classes and a lunch meeting with a group of students for studying. Being a senior was tough, but Seonghwa always reminded himself that he was almost done. Although it was March and graduation was approaching quickly, there were still a few things that he had to get done.

Swallowing hard, he stood, looking around the small bathroom. It was decorated to be a renovated modern apartment, not too far from the University's campus. It was small, unfortunately, but it was home for now.

Moving slowly, he made his way through getting ready, only barely managing to make it class on time. Yunho and Mingi shot him a concerned look when he sat down. As the token Alpha's of their friend group, the two were protective over their friend group, looking out over the others. As an Omega, Seonghwa appreciated that they still made him feel respected but did often make sure he was well taken care of.

"You look like shit," Yunho whispered as the professor started the lecture. "And your scent is off. You okay?"

Seonghwa shrugged. "I don't know. Think I might have picked up a bug."

Yunho made sure to make him promise to talk to him later, the Omega agreeing. They always relied on one another in pretty much everything. With a sigh, Seonghwa tried to focus, but it felt like a wave of tiredness washed over him. His eyelids were feeling heavy and his stomach rumbled. Apparently instead of being upset at the moment, he was hungry.

By the time people started packing up their things, Seonghwa was pretty ready to drool on his desk. Mingi stepped up beside the Omega as they left the hall, steering him away from the other students and into a little side area.

"Seonghwa, are you okay?"

Groaning, Seonghwa shook his head. "I don't think so. I think I have the flu, honestly."

Yunho sat down and patted his friend on the shoulder. "Why don't I take you back to your apartment, alright? Get some rest, make sure you drink some fluids, alright?"

The man nodded, feeling so out of it that he didn't complain, although he was usually the one who took care of everyone.

The two friends, forgoing their own classes, opted to walk him back together. When they finally reached his apartment, Yunho pulled the Omega into his arms. "If you're not feeling better tomorrow, please promise to go to the doctor, okay?"

Seonghwa nodded, yawning right after. It made the two Alphas frown but bid him goodbye. Seonghwa laid his bag down next to the door and slipped into his slippers, dragging his feet to his bedroom where he flopped down onto the bed. His room was perfect in his eyes. Lots of pastels and pinks, with a cozy bed that made for a very nice nest. He nuzzled into his comforter, already feeling a little better now that he was laying down. It wasn't long before sleep pulled him into an embrace.

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