Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Seonghwa didn't think it could be true. He hadn't spent his heat with anyone. He was on birth control. There was no way. And yet the stick that was resting on the edge of the sink in his small apartment's bathroom told him that he was. He was really pregnant. Bile was still threatening to rise in the back of his throat, but it was the least of his concerns.

Wooyoung stood next to him, eyes trained on the other Omega, as if he were about to pass out. Maybe he would. It was definitely an option at this point. Seongwha turned his large eyes towards Wooyoung, tears shining and threatening to spill again. At least now he could joke that the tears were caused by hormones, he thought. Apparently he still had jokes left in him.

"I..." Seonghwa opened his mouth, then shut it. What could he say anyways? It wasn't like he could deny it anyways, especially since this was technically the second test he'd already taken, and both were positive.

"Hey," Wooyoung said, rubbing his back. "Remember what I said. We're all here for you. I promise. Why don't we go sit down and get some food in that tummy. Until you decide what you want to do, you have to eat for two."

Seonghwa nodded, following the other back out to where the friends were waiting. They all looked up at him when he walked out, concern written on their faces. Hongjoong looked the most distraught, Seonghwa picking up on the sourness of his scent from across the room. It now smelled like a forest fire. Something in him didn't like it, and he strangely felt a whine rising in his throat.

Deciding to push it away for the moment, he nodded to indicate that the tests had been positive. Everyone was quiet for a moment before Yunho spoke up.

"I know this is kind of a big question, but are you going to keep it?"

Although Seonghwa knew that he had the option of getting an abortion, or even going through the pregnancy and giving it up for adoption, his Omega screamed at him at the idea. He'd always wanted kids, and even if it wasn't perhaps the right way to go about it, Seonghwa had already made his decision.


"Then congratulations, Seonghwa," Mingi said with a big smile. He stood up and gave the Omega a hug, pulling him in tight and giving him a kiss on his head. "I know you're going to be the best mom," He whispered when he stepped back and Seonghwa giggled even though the words brought tears to his eyes.

"I'm sorry I ruined the night, guys," Seonghwa said as he finally sat at his place at the table. The food was probably cold, but his stomach still grumbled as he looked at it.

"I don't want to hear that negative talk," Wooyoung scolded. "We are all your friends, hyung. You didn't ruin anything, I promise. In fact, you made my night with the news!"

Hwa blushed as he realized everyone was nodding their heads. Everyone except Hongjoong.

"Hongjoong...Are you alright?" He asked softly, the Alpha sitting next to him. He watched the Alpha's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, his scent still slightly sour.

"I feel bad," he murmured, his words hidden from the others as they talked amongst themselves. "If I hadn't of opened my mouth -"

"Hongjoong. If you had not even said anything, I might have gone a while before I found out. And even though it's totally out of left field, it means I can start taking care of me and the baby early." Seonghwa placed his hand on top of Hongjoong's that rested on the table. "I want to thank you. And I want to apologize for causing so much chaos on your first night with us."

The Alpha shook his head. "No, no, there's no need to apologize. It's honestly been a while since I've had friends to hang out with."

"Oh? That must be lonely. Why was that, if you don't mind me asking?"

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