Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

When the sun peeked through the curtains, Seonghwa groaned and shifted closer to the warmth wrapped around him, a content smile glowing on his face. He couldn't believe that Hongjoong and him were soulmates. He wondered if it was a coincidence that he'd liked Hongjoong before they'd mated. Either way, the universe had a funny way of getting them together.

The two were so exhausted from the overwhelming feeling of experiencing their emotions and the mating that they slipped into sleep before they could discuss it. He leaned into the bond, almost as if it was a physical thing in his body, and began purring as he felt comfort in its presence.

"Hwa..." Hongjoong whispered, wrapping his arms around the Omega a little tighter. He snuggled into Hwa's neck, licking the new mating bond and making Seonghwa shiver. It was all so new and yet it felt so right. Seonghwa couldn't help the giggle that slipped out as Hongjoong began to pepper kisses over his shoulder and neck, anywhere he could reach.

"I can't believe it," Hongjoong murmured. "You're mine, and not just that, but you're my soulmate."

Seonghwa hummed in agreement.

"You should know, Hwa, that I like you. And I couldn't be happier to spend this pregnancy with you, this life with you."

Seonghwa shifted back so he could look into Hongjoong's eyes, which were still heavy with sleep. "You like me?"

Hongjoong's cheeks turned red as he nodded. "Of course I do, Seonghwa. I...Honestly, I saw you before the meeting with your friends that night and I was enamored even then. So it wasn't hard for me to volunteer to be your mate."

"We're a bunch of idiots," Hwa laughed.

"What makes you say that?"

"I like you too, Joongie."

The next couple of days, they announced their mating to their friends, including that they were true mates. Everyone was so happy, especially Wooyoung who yelled an enthusiastic "I knew it!" when they'd told them. Hongjoong continued to work hard, but still made time to come home and cuddle with Hwa, the bond so strong that oftentimes, they were all over each other as soon as they saw one another. It was after one of those steamy sessions that the two laid in bed, Seonghwa practically wrapped around Hongjoong despite being sweaty and slightly sticky from sweat and cum.

"Hwa, I want to take you on a date," Hongjoong said out of nowhere. The Alpha was laying on his back and softly stroking Hwa's back.

"Oh? What would we do?"

Hongjoong thought for a moment. "I think I will keep it a surprise," he said with a giggle. "Drive you crazy just a little bit."

Happiness flooded the bond from both of them, and Seonghwa couldn't wait to see what Hongjoong would do.

The Omega had decided on a soft slightly oversized cream sweater and a pair of black leggings. His stomach was in knots from nerves as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time. Hongjoong was already in the living room, waiting patiently for the Omega. For a moment, Seonghwa stared down at his belly. He was starting to get a tiny little bump, though it looked more like a bloated belly after a good meal than an actual baby bump. Still, it brought joy to Seonghwa. Even though this baby wasn't supposed to be here, he was happy nonetheless.

For a second, his nerves reached through his scent, and he tried to stamp it down before it could reach the bond. Seonghwa didn't want to admit to Hongjoong that he was worried that as Seonghwa grew bigger with the pregnancy, he wouldn't find him as attractive. Then there was the worry that there could possibly be something wrong with the pup. Or there might be complications. Or -

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