Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

Hongjoong was working late at the studio, a new artist getting ready for his debut had asked to go over some music, and Hongjoong was working on gathering up the materials he needed. He'd already let Seonghwa know that he'd be home late, as the Omega had been getting more and more tired as of late. The Omega was three months along now, a healthy pup growing nice and strong. Seonghwa had officially finished college and graduated with a degree in Omega studies. He'd also quit his job at a local coffee shop, Hongjoong having more than enough money to afford to take care of his Omega, but also spoil him as well.

The Alpha was in the middle of pulling up music files when a strange yet familiar scent neared his door. It took his mind a few seconds to remember where he'd smelled it first. Hongjoong remembered that a few nights ago, he'd smelled it outside their apartment building, just by the entrance. The Alpha hadn't thought anything of it, just that it was a unique scent. Frowning, Hongjoong took off his headphones and listened to the sound of footsteps growing louder. They didn't seem to hesitate at the studio door where he was at. Maybe the Alpha was imagining things. Before the scent had faded, Hongjoong got up and opened the door, but there was no one there.

Shaking his head, Hongjoong closed the door and stood there for a second. Maybe all the later nights were finally getting to his head. His phone vibrated on the table, the familiar notification sound telling him that it was Seonghwa. Deciding to call it a night, Hongjoong packed up his stuff and left, making sure to lock the door and check it before leaving the building.

The entire way home, it constantly felt like Hongjoong was being watched. Every corner his car turned, every street he drove past, it felt as if eyes were tracking his movements. He was definitely feeling more tired than he must have been. Rubbing the back of his neck as he locked his car and headed into the elevator that took him up to his apartment, he wondered if Seonghwa had made dinner. Sometimes, the Omega would just get too tired to make anything and would usually order something that he knew Hongjoong liked.

Yet as Hongjoong landed on his level, he noticed that there was something wrong. The door to his apartment was ajar, the smell of distressed Omega filling the hallway. Hongjoong's apartment was the only one on this level, having a substantial amount of space within it. Hongjoong dropped his laptop bag and sprinted into the apartment. Even though the door had been open, there were no other scents in the kitchen as he slid into it.

"Seonghwa!" He strained his ears to listen, hoping that he could hear anything. Yet the apartment was silent. His heart thundered in his ears as he ran up the stairs and into their bedroom. Here, the scent of distressed Seonghwa was the strongest. The room was a mess, Seonghwa's nest completely destroyed and thrown all over the room. But there still wasn't anyone there.

"Seonghwa?!" His chest heaved as he realized that it was likely that Seonghwa had been taken. "Hwa?" As he called out, his voice cracked as tears were swiftly flowing down his cheeks. With shaking hands, Hongjoong pulled out his phone and dialed 112 as his knees finally gave out and he collapsed.

"My Omega...Someone's taken my Omega..." Hongjoong's voice was shaky. The lady who had answered the phone was patient with Hongjoong, promising that the police were going to be there soon. Who could have taken him? Had it been someone who wanted Seonghwa? Had it been the pup's Alpha? Why did they have to take him?

While this had all been going on, Hongjoong's mating bite was hurting slightly, but shortly after he had hung up the call, a piercing flare of pain nearly made him pass out. He screamed, clutching at the bite as he fell to his side. There were hands on him, trying to soothe him, but he thrashed in their hold. In the back of his mind, Hongjoong knew what it meant when a mate's mark would hurt this bad. But he wouldn't believe it. He couldn't. In the background of everyone talking around him, he could hear someone pathetically sobbing. It took the Alpha a second to realize that he'd stopped screaming at some point, and the sobbing was coming from him.

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