Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Later that day, Seonghwa, with the help of Wooyoung and Hongjoong, called a local Omega clinic to schedule an appointment to confirm the pregnancy and have a check up. Even though he had time to prepare for the appointment, which wasn't until next week, Seonghwa was already going crazy. He didn't even know where to start with being pregnant. Yet somehow, Hongjoong knew the right things to do, the things he needed to get, like a prenatal vitamin and anti nausea meds.

While the three were in the store, looking for stuff to relax Seonghwa, Wooyoung wandered off to the baby section, saying, "I gotta look for cute fashion items!" It made the other two laugh at his adorableness. As Hongjoong and Seonghwa entered the vitamin aisle, Hongjoong's eyes scanned the shelves until he found what he was looking for. Picking it up, he handed it to Seonghwa.

"This should be the best one for you, especially since it's formulated for male Omegas."

Seonghwa nodded and placed it in the cart. "How do you know so much about this? Was it because of your sister?"

Biting his lip, Hongjoong nodded. "Yeah. Uh, her story was a little worse than yours. She was forcibly bred by an abusive Alpha. He ended up getting in some trouble with some gangs and got killed shortly after she found out she was pregnant. Our parents...they wanted nothing to do with her after they found out and kicked her to the curb."

The Omega frowned. Unfortunately, there was still a big majority of families that despised it when their children got pregnant out of a relationship, especially a marriage.

"Anyways, she was basically on her own, and luckily I had gotten an apartment for school at the time, so I took her in. I was there for her when everyone else had left. Most of her friends ignored her because she didn't want to go out and party anymore."

"That's awful, Joong," Seonghwa murmured. "Is she doing alright now?'

A slight blush dusted the Alpha's cheeks at the shortened version of his name, but he nodded, still giving Seonghwa an answer and trying to ignore the nickname. "Actually, she's doing great. Shortly after the birth of her kid, a cute little girl, by the way, she met an amazing Alpha who takes really good care of her. He fell in love with both her and her little girl, and they're now mated."

"I wish that would happen to me," Seonghwa sighed. "My aunt had it happen too." His stomach twisted at the memory of his mother sitting him down and telling him what had happened to Auntie Park. She had always been one of his favorite relatives, so hearing that she had been gone tore eleven year old Seonghwa apart. "She had a complicated pregnancy after her Alpha abandoned her. Made it to a few weeks before the due date before the baby's umbilical cord got wrapped around its neck. Killed the baby and my aunt."

Hongjoong paused while walking the cart, as they were next to the baby clothes section. Seonghwa could see Wooyoung nearby, fawning over what looked like some onesies. He turned to Seonghwa, eyes intense as he looked at him. "I promise that I will not let that happen to you. You, San, Wooyoung, you're all my family now, whether I've known you for one day or for one lifetime."

Seonghwa felt tears building in his eyes as he nodded in understanding of his words. Hongjoong seemed to relax after that, taking a hold of Seonghwa's hand. "Let's go look at some cute baby stuff, alright?"

The clinic smelled like disinfectant, Omegas, and a little bit like fear. Though Seonghwa was probably the one who was smelling like fear. Hongjoong sat next to him, holding his hand and trying to calm him down.

"Seonghwa, oh my god, calm down. You're okay," he said, his scent turning sweeter to try and soothe him. "I know it's scary but I'm right here with you."

Seonghwa opened his mouth to reply that he wasn't scared. He was terrified. But an Omega nurse called out his name at that moment and he stood abruptly, pulling Hongjoong with him. He swallowed hard before walking after the nurse to an examination room. Once inside it, it did make Seonghwa smile a little at the cute baby animals that were painted on the walls. He sat on the exam table, Hongjoong choosing to sit in the chair across from him.

"Alright, Mr. Park. I see you're here to confirm a pregnancy, is that correct?"

Seonghwa nodded.

"Okay. And is this your Alpha?" The nurse said, writing notes down as she nodded her head towards Hongjoong. Seonghwa paused, not sure what to say, but Hongjoong replied faster.

"Yes, but not the father. We got together after he had his heat."

"Ah, I see. Nothing wrong with that." The nurse gave the two a warm smile. "I'm going to take some vitals on you, Seonghwa, and then I will have a tech come in and grab some blood to confirm. After the confirmation, the doctor will come in and talk to you about some stuff, okay?"

Seonghwa could only nod. He was staring at Hongjoong, mind too preoccupied with the fact that he'd just told the nurse that he was Seonghwa's Alpha. He wanted to protest, to deny it and say that he and Hongjoong were just friends. But the thought that was stopping him was along the lines of the fact that he liked the idea of Hongjoong being his Alpha.

Over the past couple of days, Hongjoong had frequently visited him, sometimes with Wooyoung, sometimes by himself. He took care of Seonghwa, was there by his side when he was nauseous, made sure he was eating right and healthy, and that he was not doing anything too strenuous around the house. Already, he'd gotten used to the Alpha's presence in his apartment, enjoying the way their scents mingled in the air. That, and the fact that Hongjoong was really fucking hot, Seonghwa added to himself, appreciating the Alpha with a quick look at his body. After laying on him that first night, he'd realized that Hongjoong was muscular. Not overly so, but enough to be well defined. Seonghwa wasn't going to lie, he really wanted to see how he looked naked.

The nurse quickly got everything she needed just as the tech walked in to take his blood. He stayed patient, not minding the needle, still staring at Hongjoong. Hongjoong stared back, but occasionally would make funny faces at him while the nurse and tech fluttered around him.

Once it was just them, Seonghwa fiddled with his fingers before asking what was bugging him. "Why did you say you're my Alpha?" He asked quietly.

Hongjoong swore softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd mind, but I guess I can just tell them the truth when they come back in here."

"Do you want to be my Alpha?" Seonghwa asked hesitantly. He eyed Hongjoong, who shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"I..." His cheeks were bright red now, even the tips of his ears turning the shade as well. He looked down at his hands and mumbled something that Seonghwa couldn't hear. He asked him to repeat his answer.

"I said, I do. I do because I couldn't be there for my sister like that, but you deserve to have someone care about you. I might not like you romantically, but I know for sure that I like you as a friend and I wish to care for you."

"Good. Cause now you're not going anywhere," he said with a straight face in reply to Hongjoong. Hongjoong's reaction was instantaneous, a smile stretching and lighting up his face. He jumped up and hugged Seonghwa, who tensed for a second before settling into the Alpha's arms. Before he could pull away, the Omega scented Hongjoong, delighting in the Alpha's scent. And it wasn't just any Alpha. It was now his Alpha's scent.

When Hongjoong pulled back, he tucked a strand of Seonghwa's pink hair out of his face. "Are you sure you want to? I mean, we don't have to mate or anything, I definitely don't expect that, but I'm assuming you do want a mate one day. Would I be a hindrance to that?"

Seonghwa shook his head. "Nah. I'm in no rush to get mated, and even then, I don't want to get married with some stupid knot-headed Alpha."

That made Hongjoong giggle. He leaned forward and kissed the Omega's hand, fondly staring up at him. Just then, the doctor walked in, smile brightening at the two being affectionate.

"Ah, the two young parents! Congratulations, Park Seonghwa. You are pregnant!"

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