Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:

Hongjoong was squatting in a bush, still as a stone as he watched a few soldiers patrol the outskirts of the mansion. The man he'd hired, a private investigator, was just next to him. He'd told Hongjoong that he'd managed to get one grainy picture of a van on a CCTV camera not too far from their apartment. He just so happened to find out that the van was owned by a man who was known throughout Korea as being a ruthless mafia leader.

Now they were sitting outside the mafia leader's house, watching and seeing just what was going on.

"Have you seen anything to tell us where he's hiding Seonghwa?" Hongjoong whispered. The private investigator nodded. "Yes. I have reason to believe that he's hiding deep in the forest, about a four hour drive from the outskirts of Seoul. Pretty remote area, but one of his stupid soldiers forgot to check for tracking devices."

Hope soared in Hongjoong's chest. He was so close, but the closer they got, the more scared he grew. What if Seonghwa had already undergone something horrifying? What if...what if this Park Yeongsu had already killed his mate? And of course, what did Park Yeongsu want with his mate?

"I can take you out there tonight, under the darkness of night. We should be able to see if we can come up with a plan to take Seonghwa back."

Before Hongjoong split his ways with the PI, he was told not to tell anyone, as it could jeopardize the mission. Not even telling officers Yeosang and Jongho. Although it made Hongjoong slightly nervous, he understood where the man was coming from. So he'd simply agreed. That night, after donning scent blockers and all black clothing, Hongjoong hopped into the investigator's van and left the city. However, he'd simply texted Wooyoung a set of coordinates; where they were going and a time with a date. He hoped that Wooyoung would understand the message.

The forest was pitch black as the van drove along what seemed to be a deserted country road, the signs of humans nonexistent. They stopped at a fallen tree, choosing to park there and hike the rest of the way so as to not expose themselves. Finally, as the moon rose higher in the sky, they reached a clearing. There, a pair of small cabins sat side by side. Dozens of guards with guns were stationed around them. Hongjoong swallowed as he looked at them, wondering which one Seonghwa was inside of, and if he was okay.

He turned to ask what their next action would be, only to find that the investigator was no longer beside him. Instead, he stood behind Hongjoong, gun trained at the back of his head.

"I suggest you stand slowly and raise your hands if you still want to see that pathetic Omega of yours."

Hongjoong did as he was told, stumbling a few times as the man pushed Hongjoong into the clearing. The soldiers looked as if they had expected them and simply nodded as the man pushed Hongjoong into one of the cabins. Inside, it reeked of Alpha pheromones, making Hongjoong cough.

In what looked like a bedroom, a man sat in a high-backed chair smoking a cigarette. He smiled sickly sweetly at Hongjoong as he was pushed into the room. Before the investigator left, he tied Hongjoong's hands tightly behind his back and pushed Hongjoong onto his knees.

"Hello, Kim Hongjoong. It's been a while," the Alpha in front of him sneered. "I was wondering when you would come crawling for your whore."

The Alpha stood, stomping out the cigarette with a boot. He kneeled in front of Hongjoong, taking his face into his hands and studying him. "You came at the right time. "I'm going to break your pretty Omega right in front of you. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Wooyoung bounced his foot as he sat in the waiting room. When he'd first gotten the text from Hongjoong, he'd been confused. It was just a random set of numbers, and it made Wooyoung frown. But San had snuck a look and said something about how it looked like a set of coordinates. After that, they figured out it was a set of coordinates, with a time and date. Which led to the couple figuring out that Hongjoong must have figured out where Seonghwa was and had gone alone to rescue him.

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