Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:

The beeping of a heart monitor was annoying Seonghwa. He wanted the annoying thing to shut up already, just wanted to sleep. But the sound was persistent, pulling him from unconsciousness. He blinked open dry eyes, sight slowly coming into focus. Seonghwa was staring at the speckled ceiling of a hospital room, that much he could tell. His head felt foggy. What was he doing there?

Blinking a few more times, the memories started to flood his brain. Everything that had happened, leading up to those final moments he was conscious. He tried to move, but his body felt heavy. He was at least able to move his head, looking around the room. Sitting in the chair next to him, he found Wooyoung splayed out in a chair, looking uncomfortable but still sound asleep. It had always amazed Seonghwa how Woo could always find a place to sleep.

He tried to sit up, but an agonizing pain shot through his lower stomach, making him groan. It woke Wooyoung up, who's eyes widened at Seonghwa being awake.

"Hwa! You're awake! Let me call the nurse!" The Omega sprang into action, pushing the button to summon a nurse while gently laying a hand on Seonghwa's shoulder so that he wouldn't keep moving.

It took the nurse a few minutes to update Seonghwa on his condition. His pup was fine, he was alright, and hopefully now that he was awake, he could go home later that afternoon. As soon as the nurse had left, Wooyoung had given Seonghwa a soft hug, careful not to hurt his hyung.

"I was so scared," Seonghwa whispered into Wooyoung's neck. "I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again..."

"Hongjoong saved you, Hwa. He wouldn't give up and eventually found you."

"Where is he, by the way? Hongjoong?"

"He's in the room next to you. He, uh, was beaten pretty badly by your brother."

Seonghwa scoffed. "I would hardly call that thing my brother. I have no relationship with him as far as I am concerned."

Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh. "There's the Seonghwa I know and love." Wooyoung stood and pulled a wheelchair from out of the corner. "Would you like to go see him? I'm sure you're just the cure for a hurting Alpha."

Seonghwa gladly agreed, and with some careful maneuvering with the help of a nurse, he was soon being wheeled into the room next to his. Tears burned his eyes as he took in the sight of a rough-looking Hongjoong laying against the stark white sheets. His arm was cradled to his chest in a cast, as well as various cuts and bruises covering his face. Wooyoung had also told him he had a few bruised ribs, and one cracked rib as well. But the Alpha would be okay.

The Alpha was sleeping when they walked in, but at the sound of footsteps, Hongjoong's eyes blinked open.

"Hwa?" He croaked out. His eyes hadn't even settled on the Omega and yet he still knew his mate was there.

"Joongie," Seonghwa sniffled, a tear dripping down his cheek. "Hi baby."

Hongjoong's hand came up to cup Seonghwa's cheek, as if he couldn't believe that Seonghwa was really there.

"I thought I was going to lose you..."

"I'm here now, Alpha. I promise I'm never going anywhere without you again."

Later that afternoon, Seonghwa was discharged, though they insisted that they keep Hongjoong for one more night. Woo graciously offered to spend the night with Seonghwa so that he wasn't all alone in the apartment. Upon opening the door, though, he paused in the doorway. The events of that day he'd been taken flashed in his mind, throwing him off course. He'd just gotten snuggled into his nest when he'd heard the door smash open. Two Alpha's came barging into their room and tried to take Seonghwa. He'd put up one hell of a fight, knowing that he'd scratched one of them good, but being an Omega he was physically weaker, and being pregnant didn't help with that.

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