Chapter 15

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"What do you want Kamilla?" My voice comes out strained as I do not have time for her, I have to get to practice.

"Could you drive me to a soccer game?" She asks, I'm surprised she's asking and not demanding that I drive her.

"When?" I look her.

"I'm sure it's after your practice, does that work for you?" Who is this and what did she do to my sister?

"It probably will, but I need to know when" she's awfully nice today, I wonder what scheme this is. She looks at Else and walks over to her, Else doesn't bark or growl at her, she never does. The only person she really dislikes is my mom scarlet.

"I think it's around 12 pm" she looks at me, but when she reaches my eyes she looks away.

"Yeah that will work, you'll probably be a little late. Practice isn't over till 11:30 am, and I need to shower after." She starts to smile, but not the cute kind, the 'you've fallen into my trap' kind.

"That's perfect, the games doesn't usually start at the time it's scheduled to" her evil smile only widens. It's not the weirdest thing I've ever experienced, but it's up there.

"I got to go now, I'll see you in about two hours" I walk out the door and out to my car, the air is crisp and the wind is blowing in the trees. The grass is surprisingly green considering its fall.

Sparring with Liam today is like every other day, too easy. It's like he isn't trying, he goes hit, kick, kick, hit, kick, block and then repeats. I get him lying on the floor by the third repeat every single time, it's like he isn't learning anything here like he always only had to do that to win.

"How do you do it?" Liam asks, he's panting like crazy.

"Do what?" I ask, I know exactly what he's asking but I want him to admit that it's too easy for me.

"Get me down so quickly" when he comes too close, I sweep his leg making him fall to the floor "like that?" I laugh a little.

"Haha, funny" he raises from the floor and continues talking "yeah like that" he walks over to take a sip of his water.

"You're just easy to predict" he raises a brow at me "you always to the same thing, hit, kick, kick, hit, kick, block. It's not exactly rock science" I walk over to our spot getting ready to do it one last time before going home.

"Come on, I'll show you. Do exactly what you usually do and I'll talk you through it" he gives me an unnecessary smirk.

He starts and I tell him when and where his openings are, we go back and fourth for a little while, while I make him understand his technique, and once I see my opening I strike and he lands on the floor once again.

The clock hits 11:25 am and I start packing up my stuff in order not to be late to drive my sister.

"Whoa, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Liams words stop me in my tracks.

"I'm leaving? Practice is over?" I really don't owe him any explanation, but I have to be friendly to my teammates.

even though karate is an overall individual sport, usually you travel with people from the same club, so they come to feel like teammates.

"You usually never leave yet, we're usually here for about another hour sparring" he walks up to where I stand at the door.

"I have somewhere to be today so I can't, and don't you think you've been enough on the floor today?" I smile and with those words leave.

Everything DoneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora