The Plan: Volume 3

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Hours passed as we perfected the details of the plan. We forged an email from the university saying I got the scholarship, Ken payed for the tuition from his bank account, and before we knew it, it was time for me to leave, for my parents would wake up soon, and I needed to be at Camilla's house so they won't suspect a thing. I took my purse, kissed Ken, then he walked me to the door. As I opened the door, he pushed it closed, then pushed me up against it. He kissed my neck before turning me to face him, and kissed me so passionately. Forget what people tell you. These are the moments everyone should live for.

The hardest part of seeing Amara was the fact that I had to say goodbye every time. I couldn't bring myself not to kiss her again, up against the door, and in the heat of the moment I let go of every feeling I had but wanting her.

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